Link: How To Send and Receive SMS From Your Desktop Using Google Chrome

If you are someone who uses both SMS and instant messaging, you know how annoying it gets when you get an SMS. With a WhatsApp message or an iCloud message, you can choose to ignore messages without being rude. But SMS, it’s something you have to get up and respond to every time. This, for someone who sits in front of the computer most of the time, seems like an act of betrayal to the mighty desktop. If you know what I’m talking about, there are a few solutions that will help you read, manage, and send SMSes right from your desktop. Yes, you won’t even have to get up from your chair.

So, for the lazy SMS addict in you, here are some of the best Chrome apps and extensions that let you send and receive SMS from your desktop.

Full article here:
How To Send and Receive SMS From Your Desktop Using Google Chrome (TechSource)

Link: Back up your Raspberry Pi to your Google drive

Being able to back up data to the cloud is very useful. It means that even if your Raspberry Pi dies or your SD card gets corrupted, your data is still safe. It also means that you can access your data from any where in the world.

If you have a Google drive account, you can use the grive program to sync a folder on your Pi with your Google drive.

Full article here:
Back up your Pi to your Google drive (Raspberry Web Server)

Link: Best Password Managers for Linux

A password manager helps you manage all your passwords in one safe place so that you won’t have to remember them individually. It makes your job easier by letting you look up any stored password instantly and then use it. Furthermore, you also get to create new, secure passwords that are very hard to break. And here’s the best part: all these features are at zero cost. Absolutely free!

So, if you’re looking for some of the best password managers for your Linux desktop, here’s a list of the best ones:

Full article here:
Best Password Managers for Linux (TechSource)

Link: Our Favourite Linux Cheat Sheets

Most Linux system administrators spend their days at the command line, configuring and monitoring their servers through an SSH session. The command line is extremely powerful, but it can be difficult to keep all the options switches and tools in your head. Man pages are only a command away, but they’re often not written for quick consultation, so when we’re stuck for some of the more arcane options, we reach for the collection of cheat sheets that we’ve curated over the years.

Even command line masters occasionally need a litte help, and we hope that terminal beginners will find these concise lists useful too. All of these tools are installed by default on a standard Linux box except for Vim and Emacs, which may or may not be available (see the package manager cheat sheets for how to get them).

Full article here:
Our Favourite Linux Cheat Sheets (Everyday Linux User)

Link: Create Screencast Videos With Ease Using Kazam

Not surprisingly, there isn’t any shortage of screencasting tools in Linux. What sets Kazam apart from the rest is its omnipresence across repositories of popular Linux distros, which makes it a breeze to install. Furthermore, the tool has a simple, unintimidating and intuitive user interface that helps new users get started, and offers just the right number of tweakable controls to experienced users.

Full Article here:
Create Screencast Videos With Ease Using Kazam (Make Tech Easier)

Link: Diffpdf – Compare two PDF files textually or visually

DiffPDF is a GUI application used to compare two PDF files.By default the comparison is of the text on each pair of pages, but comparing the visual appearance of pages is also supported (for example, if a diagram is changed or if a paragraph is reformatted). It is also possible to compare particular pages or page ranges. …

Full article here:
Diffpdf – Compare two PDF files textually or visually (UbuntuGeek)

Link: NoMachine – An Advanced Remote Desktop Access Tool

Working remotely is not a new thing for Linux Administrators. Especially when he/she is not in front of the server. Generally, the GUI is not installed by default on Linux servers. But there may some Linux Administrators who choose to install GUI on Linux servers.

When your server has a GUI, you may want to remote the server with full desktop experience. To do that you may install VNC Server on that server. In this article, we will cover about NoMachine as an alternate Remote Desktop Tool.

What is NoMachine

NoMachine is a remote desktop tool. Just like VNC. So what is the difference between NoMachine with the other? The most important factor is speed. The NX protocol provides near local speed responsiveness over high latency and low bandwidth links. So it feels like you were directly in front of your computer.

Full article here:
NoMachine – An Advanced Remote Desktop Access Tool (Tecmint)

Link: How To Protect SSH with fail2ban on Debian 7

Having a server or computer connected to a network comes with a certain amount of risk. Any machine, including a VPS, connected to the internet is a potential target for malicious attacks.

While having a well-configured firewall will prevent many kinds of illegitimate access, you still need to open up certain services to allow yourself the ability to log in and administer the server. SSH is the service most commonly used to log into remote systems, and so it also is one of the most frequently targeted.

Fortunately, there is a tool available that can mitigate this attack vector, called fail2ban. This can be configured to allow legitimate logins using SSH, but ban IP addresses after they have failed to authenticate correctly after a set number of times.

Full article here:
How To Protect SSH with fail2ban on Debian 7 (DigitalOcean)