Link: Easily Manage / Connect To SSH Hosts With Guake Indicator

Guake Indicator is an Ubuntu AppIndicator for Guake terminal users, useful for those who need to connect to multiple SSH hosts frequently: the indicator lets you easily manage your favorite SSH hosts and establish new SSH connections via Guake.

Full article here:
Easily Manage / Connect To SSH Hosts With Guake Indicator (Web Upd8)

Link: 8 Cool Ways To Use SCP

The SCP protocol is a network protocol, based on the BSD RCP protocol, which supports file transfers between hosts on a network. SCP uses Secure Shell (SSH) for data transfer and utilizes the same mechanisms for authentication, thereby ensuring the authenticity and confidentiality of the data in transit. A client can send (upload) files to a server, optionally including their basic attributes (permissions, timestamps). Clients can also request files or directories from a server (download). SCP runs over TCP port 22 by default. Like RCP, there is no RFC that defines the specifics of the protocol.

SCP is an awesome tool. Learn it, Love it, Use it….

Full article here:
8 Cool Ways To Use SCP (UrFix’s Blog)

Link: 18 Examples to Learn Iptable Rules On CentOS

Iptable is the administration tool for IPv4 packet filtering and NAT. Iptables is used to set up, maintain, and inspect the tables of IPv4 packet filter rules in the Linux kernel. Several different tables may be defined.Each table contains a number of built-in chains and may also contain user-defined chains.Each chain is a list of rules which can match a set of packets. Each rule specifies what to do with a packet that matches. This is called a `target’,which may be a jump to a user-defined chain in the same table.

Full article here:
18 Examples to Learn Iptable Rules On CentOS (LinOxide)

Link: Prevent System Sleep While a Process or Command is Active in Mac OS X

Many Mac users use utilities to temporarily prevent their computer from sleeping, often relying on sleep corners, the third party tool called Caffeine, pmset, or more recently, the command line utility that is now bundled with OS X called caffeinate. By default, the Caffeine menubar item and the caffeinate command both will prevent sleep as long as they are individually activated for, very useful for desktop users while at a Mac, but not particularly useful if you’d like to have the OS X sleep function dependent on the completion of a specific process or task.

That’s what we’re going to cover here by using the command line, which is having process-dependent sleep prevention that only blocks the Mac sleep function while a specified command, task, or process is running or active, then when it’s finished, the computer will restore traditional sleep habits.

Full article here:
Prevent System Sleep While a Process or Command is Active in Mac OS X (OS X Daily)

Notes on upgrading XBMC to Gotham on a Ubuntu Linux box

Just a few notes that may help anyone planning on upgrading from XBMC Frodo to Gotham on a Ubuntu Linux system. Many XBMC users will likely have already done this, but if you’ve been putting it off, here are some things to know:

First, before upgrading, enable the default skin (Confluence) in Frodo. That way, if your skin doesn’t work in Gotham, you won’t get thrown into a blank or unusable screen when you bring up Gotham for the first time. If that happens you may need to go into the directory where XBMC resides and completely delete the skin, losing any custom settings you may have had.

Also before upgrading, if you are running 5.1 audio or better then you need to see this page. Note that if you are trying to follow the instructions in section 3.1 (Passthrough Mode), the screenshots shown there are NOT of the default Ubuntu sound settings control. They are instead of the PulseAudio Volume Control, which you will likely need to install from the Ubuntu Software Center. Don’t let the fact that it uses the same icon as the Ubuntu Sound Settings fool you, it is NOT the same program.

This is what you need to install to make 5.1 channel sound work in XBMC Gotham under Linux
This is what you need to install to make 5.1 channel sound work in XBMC Gotham under Linux

After you upgrade to Gotham you can then follow the instructions on that page to get your audio working, and they will make sense to you. The main things are to set the checkboxes as shown in the PulseAudio Volume Control (preferably BEFORE firing up Gotham for the first time), and then enable Passthrough mode in Gotham (note you will need to set the settings level to Advanced to see that setting).

If XBMC crashes when you try to play a video and your system has NVIDIA VDPAU graphics, it may be because it tries to use VAAPI (check the last lines of the crash log). Go to System – Settings – Video – Acceleration and make sure anything having to do with VAAPI is not selected. This apparently didn’t matter in Frodo but it does on Gotham, but only on some systems.

Finally, you may need to refresh your XBMC repository – we found that it didn’t start bringing in updated add-ons until we did that. Try to avoid adding any new add-ons until you see the existing ones being updated because you may still be getting them from the Frodo repository, and they will be shown as incompatible or complain of missing dependencies when you attempt to install them. Go to System – Add-Ons – Get Add-Ons and right-click on Add-ons. Click “Check for Updates” then “Force Refresh” and it should start bringing in the updated add-ons. Don’t be surprised if several are marked as broken – not all add-on authors have supplied Gotham-compatible versions yet.

Link: How to speed up directory navigation in a Linux terminal

As useful as navigating through directories from the command line is, rarely anything has become as frustrating as repeating over and over “cd ls cd ls cd ls …” If you are not a hundred percent sure of the name of the directory you want to go to next, you have to use ls. Then use cd to go where you want to. Hopefully, a lot of terminals and shell languages now propose a powerful auto-completion feature to cope with that problem. But it remains that you have to hit the tabulation key frenetically all the time. If you are as lazy as I am, you will be very interested in autojump. autojump is a command line utility that allows you to jump straight to your favorite directory, regardless of where you currently are.

Full article here:
How to speed up directory navigation in a Linux terminal (Xmodulo)

Link: How to Clear and Manage “Recent Places” In OS X

Whenever you save files to a specific location on your Mac, OS X will save this location in a “Recent Places” listing which will be available the next time you save another file. This feature allows quick access to the folders you commonly use and hence saves a lot of your precious work time.

By default, the recent places list will show you the past five most recently accessed folders. Now, while this may be convenient for some, it can become annoying, especially if you would just like to clear an item or the entire list. …..

Full article here:
How to Clear and Manage “Recent Places” In OS X (Make Tech Easier)

Links: Setup DHCP Server On CentOS 6.5 or Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Server

DHCP Server is used to distribute IP addresses to the clients in your network. DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. It reduces the work burden to a system admin if he/she have to assign IP addresses manually to more than 100+ systems.

Full articles here:
Setup DHCP Server On CentOS 6.5 (Unixmen)
Setup DHCP Server On Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Server (Unixmen)

Link: How to Use a Raspberry Pi as a Local Web Server

The Raspberry Pi might look like a small, almost inconsequential computer, but don’t let looks deceive you. It is a fully functional Linux machine capable of performing a large variety of functions including acting as a local web server.

The most common setup for a Linux-based web server is a “LAMP” server, where LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP. The default operating system for the Pi is Linux, specifically Raspbian and it can also run Apache, as the web server; MySQL, as a database; and PHP, for server-side scripting.

Full article here:
How to Use a Raspberry Pi as a Local Web Server (Make Tech Easier)

Link: 9 commands to check hard disk partitions and disk space on Linux

In this post we are taking a look at some commands that can be used to check up the partitions on your system. The commands would check what partitions there are on each disk and other details like the total size, used up space and file system etc.

Commands like fdisk, sfdisk and cfdisk are general partitioning tools that can not only display the partition information, but also modify them.

Full article here:
9 commands to check hard disk partitions and disk space on Linux (BinaryTides)