Link: 25 Useful Apache ‘.htaccess’ Tricks to Secure and Customize Websites

What is .htaccess?

htaccess (or hypertext access) are the files that provide options for website owners to control the server environment variables and other parameters to enhance functionality of their websites. These files can reside in any and every directory in the directory tree of the website and provide features to the directory and the files and folders inside it.

Full article here:
25 Useful Apache ‘.htaccess’ Tricks to Secure and Customize Websites (Tecmint)

Link: Tutorial on “chkconfig” Command in Linux with Examples

Whenever a new service (like Samba or NFS) is added to a Linux system, it is not configured to start automatically when the system starts up. So, by default, whenever you add a new service, you’ll have to start it manually after the system reboots. ‘chkconfig’ command allows you to configure that newly added service to start after every system start up automatically. Not only this, you can change the configuration so as to add any service at different run-levels. With ‘chkconfig’ you can display the list of services those are configured for startup at a particular run-level.

Full article here:
Tutorial on “chkconfig” Command in Linux with Examples (Your Own Linux..!)

Link: 3 Easy Ways to Send Emails From the Command Line in Linux

While working with the command line, there are times when you might want to manually send an email to communicate one-liner information, say a complex command or an important note to yourself or a friend. Normally, that requires you to open a web browser, log in to your email account, frame an email containing the required information, and then send it.

That’s too long of a process for a small thing, isn’t it? What if you could do that from the command line itself? Yes, it is possible, and we’ve already discussed a couple of ways to do that in Linux. In this article, we will discuss three more ways to send email from the command line in Linux.

Full article here:
3 Easy Ways to Send Emails From the Command Line in Linux (Make Tech Easier)

Link: Why DNS in OS X 10.10 is broken, and what you can do to fix it

For 12 years, the mDNSResponder service managed a surprisingly large part of our Mac’s networking, and it managed this task well. But as of OS X 10.10, the mDNSResponder has been replaced with discoveryd, which does the same thing. Mostly. Here are some strange networking problems we’ve observed since installing 10.10:

Full article here:
Why DNS in OS X 10.10 is broken, and what you can do to fix it (Ars Technica)