
This blog contains some technical notes that I have written or acquired from friends, and in the later case I am reposting them with their permission. Subjects you might find here include Home Theater PC’s and other TV-related topics, Internet Telephony, VoIP, and other forms of Internet-based communications, broadband services of all types, computer software and hardware, and other technologies. If it’s even remotely related to technology, it just might turn up here.

3 thoughts on “About

  1. I’d be delighted to read an article on setting up freeSwitch or asterisk as a _package_ in pfSense. As a plus installing a GUI to manage either as I don’t have a pile of ‘spare’ computers. I do use pfSense as firewall & router & IDS (snort).

    I hope to read articles using SIP phones that are SIP SIMPLE texting capable send/receive — as I expect MS Lync will facilitate

    I have a focus on SIP/voip for home which is where I use it to reduce monthly costs (and tinker).

  2. Hello,

    I am really very pleased to see one of my articles on this website and very glad to know that you liked it.

    Thank you very much.

  3. I love your OBI110 series. Do you have a procedure to use the OBI110 as an generic SIP ATA on a network? I have an Asterisk server in my home that uses Motif to connect to GV. I used to use the OBITalk service, but now I want to use the device to interface my regular analog phones to the network. You have probably already written about this, but I’m not sure of your terminology.

    Great blog!

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