10 Practical Examples Of Linux ‘nmap’ Command | Unixmen

Nmap is a tool used for determining the hosts that are running and what services the hosts are running. Nmap can be a valuable diagnostic tool for network administrators while they can be also a potent reconnaissance tool for the Black-hat community (Hackers, Crackers, Script Kiddies, etc). Once the network is charted out using tools like Lan MapShot, the Nmap can be used to determine the type of services and hosts running in the network.

In this article, we will cover some useful practical examples of Linux namp command.

Source: 10 Practical Examples Of Linux ‘nmap’ Command | Unixmen

How To : Set up a FTPS (FTP over SSL) Server on Linux ~ Your Own Linux..!

FTP is a standardized network protocol and probably the quickest as well as easiest option available when a large chunk of data is to be transferred, from one host to another, over a TCP-based network. FTP defines a client-server architecture which uses two separate ‘well-known’ ports, for data (port no. 20, used for data transfer) and control (port no. 21, used for authentication) connections, in order to establish connectivity between the server and the client.

Source: How To : Set up a FTPS (FTP over SSL) Server on Linux ~ Your Own Linux..!