Month: October 2013

Link: arkOS: Building the anti-cloud (on a Raspberry Pi)

arkOS is an open source project designed to let its users take control of their personal data and make running a home server as easy as using a PC


arkOS is not a solution to the surveillance state, but it does offer an alternative to those who would rather exercise some measure of control over their data and, at the very least, not lock away their information in online services where its retrieval and use is at the whim of a corporation, not the user.

Full article here:
arkOS: Building the anti-cloud (on a Raspberry Pi) (TechWorld)
Related article:
arkOS aims to let anyone host their own cloud with a $35 Raspberry Pi (Liliputing)

Link: Basic Linux Shell Scripting Language : A Simple BASH Script to Test Your Internet Connectivity

Most of the users all over the world make use of Google’s Index Page to check whether their Internet connection is working or not.  Many times it is required to check periodically whether the server you are running is connected to internet or not. It is very cumbersome to open the web page every time you wish to check the connection. As an alternative, it definitely makes sense to run some scripts in the background periodically scheduling them using cron.

The bash script that can be used for this purpose is given below:

Full areticle here:
Basic Linux Shell Scripting Language : A Simple BASH Script to Test Your Internet Connectivity (Your Own Linux..!)
More interesting Linux tutorials and articles at this site

Link: VNC and SSH on Raspberry Pi Without Display

Here is a small walk through of how to install SSH and VNC on Raspberry Pi…

What is SSH? I really did not know the abbreviation until I googled it. It stands for “Secure Shell”. To be brief, with SSH connection between RPI and another computer, you can access the terminal prompt of RPI from the other computer (say your PC). Thus you will be able to execute commands remotely for the RPi from your PC without the need for a keyboard and mouse.

What is VNC? Virtual Network Computer. It is just like team viewer or any other remote desktop stuff, with which you can see your RPi’s desktop on your PCs screen, enabling GUI based access of RPI.

Assuming that you have an SSH enabled RPI, the tutorial follows.

Full article here:
VNC and SSH on Raspberry Pi Without Display (
Related article:
VNC, SSH and HDMI: Three Options for Viewing Your Raspberry Pi (MakeUseOf)

Link: End the Tyranny of hosts files!

When developing websites and web applications, you will often have a local environment set up for testing in your browser. But what if you want to test it on another machine or device on your local network?

Chances are, the hostname of your computer won’t work as a valid virtual host on a mobile device (and some computers). Additionally, you might have multiple projects on the go that all need unique virtual host names to operate properly.

This problem used to be solved by the “hosts” file (in /etc/hosts on Linux/Mac and C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc\hosts on Windows), but there’s a better way! You can use IP reflection services or wildcard DNS records to let you use nearly any virtual host name you want.

Full article here:
End the Tyranny of hosts files! (

Link: Unix: When pipes get names

Unix pipes are wonderful because they keep you from having to write intermediate command output to disk (relatively slow) and you don’t need to clean up temporary files afterwards. Once you get the knack, you can string commands together and get a lot of work done with a single line of commands. But there are two types of pipes that you can use when working on a Unix system – regular, unnamed or anonymous pipes and named pipes. These two types of pipes share some advantages, but are used and implemented very differently.

Full article here:
Unix: When pipes get names (ITworld)

Link: How to access ssh terminal in web browser on Linux

Running “everything” in a web browser used to be a bold statement. However, due to the increasingly powerful HTML5/JavaScript stack, a web browser has now become a dominant application delivery platform. Even the Linux kernel sandboxed in a web browser no longer sounds so crazy these days.

In this tutorial, I describe how to access an SSH terminal in a web browser on Linux. Web-based SSH is useful when the firewall you are behind is so restrictive that only HTTP(s) traffic can get through.

Full article here:
How to access ssh terminal in web browser on Linux (Xmodulo)

Link: Raspberry Pi: the Perfect Home Server

Ever since the announcement of the Raspberry Pi, sites all across the Internet have offered lots of interesting and challenging uses for this exciting device. Although all of those ideas are great, the most obvious and perhaps least glamorous use for the Raspberry Pi (RPi) is creating your perfect home server.

If you’ve got several different computers in need of a consistent and automated backup strategy, the RPi can do that. If you have music and video you’d like to be able to access from almost any screen in the house, the RPi can make that happen too. Maybe you have a printer or two you’d like to share with everyone easily? The Raspberry Pi can fill all those needs with a minimal investment in hardware and time.

Full article here:
Raspberry Pi: the Perfect Home Server (Linux Journal)

Link: Solar Pi (powering a Raspberry Pi from the sun)

About 10 years ago when Maplin opened a local store, I picked up some solar PV panels, a 40Ah sealed lead-acid (SLA) battery and a charge regulator on special. For the past 10 years these panels have been sitting in a window in my guest room doing nothing but keeping my battery nicely charged.

Finally, I’ve put this setup to some better use. I’m experimenting with the idea of keeping a Raspberry Pi powered 24/7 using nothing but PV panels and a battery. I’m based in Galway, Ireland (53N, 9W) and here we don’t get too much direct sun (clouds keep getting in the way :)… so this goal isn’t completely trivial.

Full article here:
Solar Pi (Joe Desbonnet’s web log)

Link: Improving Asterisk call quality with SIP jitter buffers

I had a customer let me know that they had improved their call quality from WiFi and 3G connections by turning on the Asterisk jitter buffers for SIP connections. If you have any extensions where connection quality is intermittent it could be worth trying.

Full article here:
Improving Asterisk call quality with SIP jitter buffers (SysAdminMan Blog)

Note that the article mentions that “This can by done with the FreePBX SIP Settings module”, but does not mention the settings when using that method. Although they should be fairly obvious, we’ll mention them anyway:

Under Settings / Asterisk SIP Settings in the Jitter Buffer Settings section:
Jitter Buffer: Enabled
Force Jitter Buffer: No
Implementation: Adaptive
Jitter Buffer Logging: Disable
Jitter Buffer Size: 200 (jbmaxsize) 1000 (jbresyncthreshold)

The two items in bold text correspond to the ones discussed in the above-mentioned article.

How to hack the FreePBX blacklist for better call blocking capability

NOTE:  There is a newer version of this article that adds TrueCNAM scoring to help weed out telemarketers, robo-callers, and other “spam” callers.  See How to hack the FreePBX blacklist for better call blocking capability, take 2 – adding TrueCNAM scoring for that article, or continue here if you don’t want to use TrueCNAM scoring.

Have you ever wished that you could blacklist calls in FreePBX using criteria other than just the exact phone number?  It’s quite possible, and here’s an explanation of how it can be accomplished.

First, using a text editor such as nano, go into the file /etc/asterisk/extensions_additional.conf and find the context headed [app-blacklist-check]. It will probably look like this:

include => app-blacklist-check-custom
exten => s,1(check),GotoIf($[“${BLACKLIST()}”=”1”]?blacklisted)
exten => s,n,Set(CALLED_BLACKLIST=1)
exten => s,n,Return()
exten => s,n(blacklisted),Answer
exten => s,n,Wait(1)
exten => s,n,Zapateller()
exten => s,n,Playback(ss-noservice)
exten => s,n,Hangup

Note that this is a pretty simple macro context. The first line checks to see if a caller ID number appears in the Asterisk blacklist, and if so, it shuffles the call off to a “number not in service” recording.

If you copy and paste this entire context into the file /etc/asterisk/extensions_override_freepbx.conf and remove the “include” line at the start of the macro, you can then modify it to do what you want. Let’s look at that same context again, but with a few added lines, as it might appear in /etc/asterisk/extensions_override_freepbx.conf


;Make sure CDR DID field is set on blacklisted calls
exten => s,1(check),Set(CDR(did)=${FROM_DID})
;Original first line of context with line number changed
exten => s,n,GotoIf($[“${BLACKLIST()}”=”1”]?blacklisted)
;Blacklist Caller ID names found in custom Asterisk database blistname if used
exten => s,n,GotoIf($[“${DB_EXISTS(blistname/${TOUPPER(${CALLERID(name)})})}”=”1”]?blacklisted)
;Blacklist Caller ID names of single letter followed by 9 or more digits
exten => s,n,Set(regx=^[A-Z][0-9]{9}[0-9]* *$)
exten => s,n,GotoIf($[${REGEX(“${regx}” ${CALLERID(name)})} = 1]?blacklisted)
;Blacklist numbers where first digit of 7 digit local number is 0 or 1
exten => s,n,Set(regx=^[+]?1?[0-9]{3}[01][0-9]{6}$)
exten => s,n,GotoIf($[${REGEX(“${regx}” ${CALLERID(num)})} = 1]?blacklisted)
;Blacklist numbers where first digit of area code is 0 or 1
exten => s,n,Set(regx=^[+]?1?[01][0-9]{9}$)
exten => s,n,GotoIf($[${REGEX(“${regx}” ${CALLERID(num)})} = 1]?blacklisted)
;Blacklist numbers where first three digits of 7 digit local number are 555
exten => s,n,Set(regx=^[+]?1?[0-9]{3}555[0-9]{4}$)
exten => s,n,GotoIf($[${REGEX(“${regx}” ${CALLERID(num)})} = 1]?blacklisted)
;Blacklist numbers that start with 1 but are longer than 11 digits total
exten => s,n,Set(regx=^[+]?1[0-9]{11}[0-9]*$)
exten => s,n,GotoIf($[${REGEX(“${regx}” ${CALLERID(num)})} = 1]?blacklisted)
;Blacklist numbers of less than 7 digits in length
exten => s,n,GotoIf($[${LEN(${CALLERID(num)})} < 7]?blacklisted)
;Blacklist numbers of 8 digits in length
exten => s,n,GotoIf($[${LEN(${CALLERID(num)})} = 8]?blacklisted)
;Next line is from the original blacklist context
exten => s,n,Set(CALLED_BLACKLIST=1)
;Special CallerID name lookup; should not really be here but works
exten => s,n,ExecIf($[“${DB_EXISTS(cidname/${CALLERID(num)})}”!=”1″]?Return())
exten => s,n,Set(CALLERID(name)=${DB(cidname/${CALLERID(num)})})
exten => s,n,Set(__SKIPCIDLOOKUP=1)
;More original blacklist context
exten => s,n,Return()
exten => s,n(blacklisted),Answer
;Prepend *BL* to Caller ID name of blacklisted numbers so they can be distinguished in CDR
exten => s,n,Set(CALLERID(name)=*BL*${CALLERID(name)})
;Set Call Detail Record Userfield to Blacklisted
exten => s,n,Set(CDR(userfield)=Blacklisted)
;Still more original blacklist context
exten => s,n,Wait(1)
exten => s,n,Zapateller()
exten => s,n,Playback(ss-noservice)
exten => s,n,Hangup

;–== end of [app-blacklist-check] ==–;

The lines in blue are from the original context that was copied from /etc/asterisk/extensions_additional.conf.  We should mention here that not all the ideas in the new lines are original with us; some are adaptations of things we’ve read over many months in various forums.

You don’t need to use all of these added lines shown.  On the other hand, you can add your own customizations.  Here is what each added line (or set of lines) means:

The change to line 1 (moving the original line 1 down to the next line) adds Set(CDR(did)=${FROM_DID}), which causes the call detail record to show the DID the call came in on for blacklisted calls.

;Blacklist Caller ID names found in custom Asterisk database blistname if used
exten => s,n,GotoIf($[“${DB_EXISTS(blistname/${TOUPPER(${CALLERID(name)})})}”=”1”]?blacklisted)

This addition allows you to blacklist by exact Caller ID name.  To add a name to the blacklist-by-name database, go into the Asterisk CLI and enter this:

database put blistname NAME 1

Where NAME is the name you want to add – enclose it in quotation marks if it contains spaces:

database put blistname “SOME NAME” 1

You can use a descriptive word if you like in place of the number 1 at the end of the line.  To delete an already entered name:

database del blistname NAME

And to see what’s already in the blacklist-by-name database:

database show blistname

Next we come to:

;Blacklist Caller ID names of single letter followed by 9 or more digits
exten => s,n,Set(regx=^[A-Z][0-9]{9}[0-9]* *$)
exten => s,n,GotoIf($[${REGEX(“${regx}” ${CALLERID(name)})} = 1]?blacklisted)

These lines are an example of blacklisting a Caller ID name using a regular expression. This will catch any Caller ID name that starts with a single letter and is followed by 9 or more digits, and any number of spaces at the end.  This particular example will get rid of those irritating Vnnnnnnnnn… name calls, even if they change the starting letter to something other than “V”.

;Blacklist numbers where first digit of 7 digit local number is 0 or 1
exten => s,n,Set(regx=^[+]?1?[0-9]{3}[01][0-9]{6}$)
exten => s,n,GotoIf($[${REGEX(“${regx}” ${CALLERID(num)})} = 1]?blacklisted)

;Blacklist numbers where first digit of area code is 0 or 1
exten => s,n,Set(regx=^[+]?1?[01][0-9]{9}$)
exten => s,n,GotoIf($[${REGEX(“${regx}” ${CALLERID(num)})} = 1]?blacklisted)

;Blacklist numbers where first three digits of 7 digit local number are 555
exten => s,n,Set(regx=^[+]?1?[0-9]{3}555[0-9]{4}$)
exten => s,n,GotoIf($[${REGEX(“${regx}” ${CALLERID(num)})} = 1]?blacklisted)

These are three examples of blacklisting numbers by regular expression patterns.  The first example blacklists numbers that have an invalid exchange (where the 7-digit part of the number starts with 0 or 1), while the second blacklists numbers that come in with an area code starting with 0 or 1, which is invalid.  The third blocks numbers that appear to come from the “directory assistance” exchange 555 in any area code. In all cases, it does not matter if the number starts with a leading + and/or 1.  Note that Asterisk has a fairly restrictive syntax for regular expressions, so you can’t do many of the substitutions that would be possible in other computer languages. See the article, Did you know that Asterisk has the ability to evaluate Regular Expressions, though not in the same way as Perl or FreeSWITCH? for more information.

You can always add additional blacklist patterns by duplicating an appropriate pair of lines (for blacklisting by name or number pattern) and then modifying the regular expression.  For example, to block calls from certain specific area codes, you could use a regular expression of the form ^[+]?1?(xxx|yyy|zzz)[0-9]{7}$ where xxx, yyy, and zzz are the area codes you want to block.  You can include as many area codes as you need, separated by the | character.

;Blacklist numbers of 8 digits in length
exten => s,n,GotoIf($[${LEN(${CALLERID(num)})} = 8]?blacklisted)

This is an example of blocking numbers of a specific length.  If you have a bad caller that sends numbers that are exactly 8 characters in length, this will catch them. You can, of course, change the “8” to catch other bad length numbers, but be careful not to inadvertently block wanted international or other valid calls with non-standard number lengths.

The next added section consists of these lines:

;Special CallerID name lookup; should not really be here but works
exten => s,n,ExecIf($[“${DB_EXISTS(cidname/${CALLERID(num)})}”!=”1″]?Return())
exten => s,n,Set(CALLERID(name)=${DB(cidname/${CALLERID(num)})})
exten => s,n,Set(__SKIPCIDLOOKUP=1)

It could be argued that this doesn’t really belong in the blacklist code, so feel free to omit it if you don’t like it – remember, these are just examples.  What this does is checks the Asterisk Phonebook to see if the calling number appears there, and if it does, it sets the Caller ID name to the name associated with that number in the Phonebook.  There are other ways to do this, but we show it here for one simple reason – you could use it to “whitelist” a certain number that would otherwise be taken out by a regular expression-based rule, although you’d have to modify the dialplan shown here a bit to do so.  As it stands, this only does the Asterisk Phonebook lookup, and applies the name from the Asterisk Phonebook if it finds it there.

There is one issue with doing this, and that is that if you use another Caller ID lookup source it will override the Asterisk Phonebook lookup.  To avoid that, you can copy the [cidlookup] context from /etc/asterisk/extensions_additional.conf to /etc/asterisk/extensions_override_freepbx.conf and change the first line to a test for the SKIPCIDLOOKUP variable.  For example, if the first line is:

exten => cidlookup_1,1,Set(CURLOPT(httptimeout)=7)

You could change it to:

exten => cidlookup_1,1,ExecIf($[“${SKIPCIDLOOKUP}”=”1”]?Return())
exten => cidlookup_1,n,Set(CURLOPT(httptimeout)=7)

Don’t forget to change the line number 1 to n in the original first line, since it’s no longer line 1.

Finally, the last hack shown is this – you would probably want to use one or the other of these, but not both:

;Prepend *BL* to Caller ID name of blacklisted numbers so they can be distinguished in CDR
exten => s,n,Set(CALLERID(name)=*BL*${CALLERID(name)})

;Set Call Detail Record Userfield to Blacklisted
exten => s,n,Set(CDR(userfield)=Blacklisted)

We don’t recall where we first saw this, but it is a great idea.  In the first example, if the call is blacklisted, the characters *BL* are added to the start of the Caller ID name, and appear that way in the call detail. In the second example, the “Userfield” in the call detail record is set to the word “Blacklisted”.  Whichever you use, when you are looking at your call records, this tells you instantly if a problem caller is already being blacklisted, so you don’t need to wonder if you should add them to the blacklist.  The first example is probably more appropriate for older FreePBX systems that didn’t display the Userfield in the call detail, while the second works much better in newer FreePBX installations.  I would not suggest using both, though there is no harm if you do.

Keep in mind that any time you replace a context in /etc/asterisk/extensions_override_freepbx.conf, it is your responsibility to make sure it “tracks” any changes to the original context in /etc/asterisk/extensions_additional.conf.  So, after any major FreePBX upgrade, you should take a look at the original [app-blacklist-check] context (and the [cidlookup] context, if you have modified that) and make sure that they have not changed, and if they have, that you make the same changes to your replacement contexts.

One additional point – at the top of each of the original contexts, there is an “include” statement that we suggest you remove when you copy the context to /etc/asterisk/extensions_override_freepbx.conf, for example, “include => app-blacklist-check-custom“.  You might wonder if you could create a context named app-blacklist-check-custom in /etc/asterisk/extensions_custom.conf and copy the original context there.  But, for whatever reason, that just doesn’t seem to work, and there’s no real advantage to putting the copied context there anyway.

EDIT: If the above seems too complicated, there is an alternate technique that may work for some FreePBX users, provided you don’t care about receiving international calls.  See this thread on DSLReports for details.

Related articles:
Link: Asterisk: Blacklisting For Multiple Users
Forum thread: User-specific Caller ID/whitelist/blacklist in Asterisk/FreePBX

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GiottoPress by Enrique Chavez