Unofficial version of Pale Moon browser now available for OS X

Found this post on Reddit by user ajorpheus and thought it would be worth sharing:

You might be interested in knowing that there is now an unofficial up-to-date palemoon build (26.0.0) for OSX:

Also, efforts are underway to document the process of building OSX:

Pale moon is a fork of Firefox that some people prefer because it seems to be faster, and it doesn’t force the new look on users. Many (but not all) Firefox addons can be used with it. Official builds are only created for Windows and Linux, and OS X users are usually left out in the cold.

Here’s a better description from the Pale Moon web site:

Pale Moon offers you a browsing experience in a browser completely built from its own, independently developed source that has been forked off from Firefox/Mozilla code, with carefully selected features and optimizations to improve the browser’s speed*, resource use, stability and user experience, while offering full customization and a growing collection of extensions and themes to make the browser truly your own.

There is no link to this unofficial build for OS X on the official Pale Moon site (other than in their user forum) but nonetheless it seems to work pretty well, in fact I’m using it right now to compose this post. I make no guarantees, but if you are feeling a bit adventurous, give it a try – you just may prefer it to the increasingly lethargic Firefox!

Bringing Back Advance Screen Calibration Options | Mac Tricks And Tips

One of the annoying features of every update that Apple provide to there[sic] operating system is the removal or hiding useful advance options were in the previous versions of the operating system. In this case Apple have hidden the advance calibration options, very useful if you want to calibrate your screen colours. The options is in the normal location, but give no clue that it is there.

Source: Bringing Back Advance Screen Calibration Options | Mac Tricks And Tips

I’ve added another 13 web developer tools! – good coders code, great coders reuse

At Browserling I want to make developer’s lives easier so I decided to create world’s largest collection of web developer and programmer tools. I found that I was often googling for things like “javascript beautifier” or “xml prettifier” and I’d often end up on random garbage websites with ads and tools that don’t work and that have tons of options that no one needs.

So I created my own tools. No ads, no garbage, just plain text tools all in one place. Press button, get result.

I just added 13 more tools that you may sometimes need. Browserling’s tool collection now has 35 different tools and more tools are coming.

Source: I’ve added another 13 web developer tools! – good coders code, great coders reuse

Why Comcast’s Main Justification For Broadband Caps is Crap | DSLReports

This is a bit outside the normal content of this blog but I thought it important to pass along. For more articles of this type I suggest you visit both DSLReports and Stop the Cap! on a regular basis.

Comcast CEO Brian Roberts recently justified the company’s slowly-expanding usage cap “trials” by insisting that broadband should be treated just like gasoline and electricity. According to the CEO, broadband is just like both, in that users should be forced to pay more money for more usage, because it costs Comcast significantly more money when individual consumption soars.

“We don’t want anybody to ever not want to stay connected on our network, but just as with every other thing in your life, if you drive 100,000 miles or 1,000 miles, you buy more gasoline,” stated the CEO. “If you turn on the air conditioning to 60 vs. 72, you consume more electricity. The same is true for usage, so I think the same for a wireless device. The more bits you use, the more you pay.”

The problem with Roberts implying Comcast faces higher costs with higher usage? Broadband is absolutely nothing like electricity, water, gasoline, or any other utility. Over at its POTS and PANS blog, CCG Consulting is the latest to make the important point that bandwidth isn’t a spigot. They note that Comcast faces two major costs for bandwidth: transit and and raw bandwidth. …..

Source: Why Comcast’s Main Justification For Broadband Caps is Crap | DSLReports

Check Hardware Information On Linux via Command Line

There are many commands available to check hardware information of your Linux system. Some commands report only specific hardware components like CPU or memory while the rest cover multiple hardware units.

This tutorial takes a quick look at some of the most commonly used commands to check information and configuration details about various hardware devices.

Source: Check Hardware Information On Linux via Command Line (Make Tech Easier)