How to Exclude Specific Package from apt-get Upgrade

When working on some projects, sometimes you need the stability of your environment. Updating a package can cause the entire project to fail. Sometimes, we accidentally upgrade those packages which and this creates a serious issue on the server. This is why it can be important to maintain a specific version of a package. This article will show you how you can exclude a specific package from the upgrade on Ubuntu 16.04

Source: How to Exclude Specific Package from apt-get Upgrade (LinOxide)

How to Install Specific Version of Package using apt-get

To handle Debian-based system packages, we use the apt-get command. This command requires administrative rights to work. It contains several options that make it possible to manipulate the packages through some operations like the installation, update or deletion, and many others. The beautiful thing is the fact that it allows installing a specific version of a package […]

Source: How to Install Specific Version of Package using apt-get (LinOxide)