Link: Our Favourite Linux Cheat Sheets

Most Linux system administrators spend their days at the command line, configuring and monitoring their servers through an SSH session. The command line is extremely powerful, but it can be difficult to keep all the options switches and tools in your head. Man pages are only a command away, but they’re often not written for quick consultation, so when we’re stuck for some of the more arcane options, we reach for the collection of cheat sheets that we’ve curated over the years.

Even command line masters occasionally need a litte help, and we hope that terminal beginners will find these concise lists useful too. All of these tools are installed by default on a standard Linux box except for Vim and Emacs, which may or may not be available (see the package manager cheat sheets for how to get them).

Full article here:
Our Favourite Linux Cheat Sheets (Everyday Linux User)

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