How to Use “ipset” to Block IPs from Country

Previously we learned how we can restrict or allow a particular country using GeoIP but in this article, we’ll cover how we can block large IP ranges using ipset module with iptables. IPset is a command line based utility which is used to administer the framework called IP sets inside the Linux kernel. An IP set may store IP addresses, networks, (TCP/UDP) port numbers, MAC addresses, interface names or combinations of them in a way, which ensures lightning speed when matching an entry against a set. It is an associative application for the iptables Linux firewall which allows us to setup rules quickly and easily to block a set of IP addresses. Here, we’ll see how we can use ipset module with iptables to block a large ranges of IP addresses in our linux based machine.

Source: How to Use “ipset” to Block IPs from Country (LinOxide)

How to Block IPs from Countries using Iptables Geoip Addons

We’ll learn how we can block traffic originated from specific country IPs using GeoIP database and linux iptables. Iptables is a command based utility program for configuring the linux kernel firewall which is implemented within the Netfilter project. Whereas GeoIP is a collection of IPs corresponding with the geographical locations where the geographical location is mapped with the IP addresses allocated at those specific organization, city, state and countries. The geographical co-ordinates in the GeoIP database are the often near the center of the population so it should not be used to identify a particular address or household. And with the help of a module called xt_geoip consisting in an iptables extension xtables-addon and the GeoIP database, we’ll perform country-based traffic filtering which helps us block or allow the traffic from a specific country.

Source: How to Block IPs from Countries using Iptables Geoip Addons (LinOxide)