How to Set Up Peer-to-Peer VPN with Tinc on Ubuntu 22.04

Tinc is free and open-source VPN software that can be used to create mesh VPN networks. It is a small and powerful VPN daemon that can be installed on multiple platforms. Tinc uses encryptions and tunneling for creating a secure private network between multiple hosts.

Tinc provides additional features such as encryption, compression, and automatic mesh routing. This allows you to create secure and distributed private networks between servers in different locations.

In this tutorial, you will set up a peer-to-peer VPN server with tinc using multiple Ubuntu 22.04 servers. You will set up a peer-to-peer VPN with three different servers. Each server will be able to connect via a secure VPN connection.

Source: How to Set Up Peer-to-Peer VPN with Tinc on Ubuntu 22.04 (Howtoforge)

How to Use Raspberry Pi as a VPN Gateway

A VPN (Virtual Private Network) protects your privacy by routing all your Internet traffic through an encrypted server that your ISP (or hackers) can’t see. Setting up and using a log-free VPN service from your PC desktop is straightforward enough, but other devices in your home such as your game console and set-top box don’t let you install VPN software.

One solution is to buy a router that can connect directly to a VPN service, protecting all the traffic on your home network a single stroke. But it could be cheaper (and simpler) just to route all your traffic through a Raspberry Pi that remains connected to the VPN at all times.

Source: How to Use Raspberry Pi as a VPN Gateway – Tom’s Hardware

How To Create A VPN Killswitch Using Iptables on Linux

Use iptables to create a VPN killswitch to protect against data leaks.


If you’re connected to a VPN, you need a killswitch. No, it’s not as metal as it sounds. It’s just a mechanism that stops your Internet connection when you’re disconnected from the VPN. It protects you from inadvertently leaking sensitive information onto the Internet when the VPN connection drops.

Source: How To Create A VPN Killswitch Using Iptables on Linux –

How To Set Up an OpenVPN Server on Ubuntu 18.04

OpenVPN is a full-featured, open-source Secure Socket Layer (SSL) VPN solution that accommodates a wide range of configurations. In this tutorial, you will set up an OpenVPN server on an Ubuntu 18.04 server and then configure access to it from Windows, macOS, iOS and/or Android. This tutorial will keep the installation and configuration steps as simple as possible for each of these setups.

Source: How To Set Up an OpenVPN Server on Ubuntu 18.04 | DigitalOcean

Link: OpenVPN-Setup: Shell script to set up Raspberry Pi (TM) as an OpenVPN server


Shell script to set up Raspberry Pi (TM) as a VPN server using the free, open-source OpenVPN software. Includes templates of the necessary configuration files for easy editing, as well as a script for easily generating client .ovpn profiles after setting up the server. Based on the ReadWrite tutorial ‘Building A Raspberry Pi VPN’ by Lauren Orsini (see sources 1 and 2 at the bottom of this Readme).

To follow this guide, you will need to have a Raspberry Pi Model B or later (so long as it has an ethernet port), an SD or microSD card (depending on the model) with Raspbian installed, a power adapter appropriate to the power needs of your model, and an ethernet cable to connect your Pi to your router or gateway. You will also need to setup your Pi with a static IP address (see either source 3 or 4) and have your router forward port 1194 (varies by model & manufacturer; consult your router manufacturer’s documentation to do this). You should also find your Pi’s local IP address on your network and the public IP address of your network and write them down before beginning. Enabling SSH on your Pi is also highly recommended, so that you can run a very compact headless server without a monitor or keyboard and be able to access it even more conveniently (This is also covered by source 4). And last but not least, be sure to change your user password from the default.

Full documentation and download here:
OpenVPN-Setup (GitHub)
Discussion in this Reddit thread

Link: How to install an Opensource VPN Server on Linux

One of the most concerning factors to me while browsing, Is how can I ensure that my data remains private and secure ? While searching for answers, I came cross a number of ways in which you can remain anonymous like using a proxy website. But still using a third party service was not assuring enough. What I needed was a software which could be installed and run by me thus ensuring that I and only I would have access to the data.

So what is such a software called?

It’s called a VPN service or short for Virtual Private Network. It allows you to encrypt your data via SSL when you connect through it. Since the connection is encrypted even your ISP cannot see what your browsing.

In this Linux Tutorial , I will be installing an OpenVPN Access Server on CentOS 7 . OpenVPN is easy to use, OpenSource and has community based support. It has clients for Windows, Android, and Mac.

Full article here:
How to install an Opensource VPN Server on Linux (