What is APT and Aptitude? and What’s real Difference Between Them?

Aptitude and apt-get are two of the popular tools which handle package management. Both are capable of handling all kinds of activities on packages including installation, removal, search etc. But still there are differences between both the tools which make users prefer one over the other. What are those differences that make these two tools to be considered separately is the scope of this article.

Source: What is APT and Aptitude? and What’s real Difference Between Them? (Tecmint)

Getting started with Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificates on Ubuntu

This tutorial will guide you through your very first configuration of an SSL website with Let’s Encrypt certification. Let’s Encrypt is a new SSL authority that provides free SSL certificates. We are going to use two existing tutorials (“How to setup an intermediate compatible SSL website with Let’s Encrypt certificate” and “The Perfect Server – Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) with Apache, PHP, MySQL, PureFTPD, BIND, Postfix, Dovecot and ISPConfig 3”).

The setup described here is compatible with any Ubuntu LAMP server, so you can use this one as the basis setup too.

This tutorial will show you how to setup Let’s Encrypt on Servers without ISPConfig 3 as there will be a direct implementation of the Let’s Encrypt service in the next ISPConfig 3 release (version 3.1) soon. So if you plan to use ISPConfig, wait for the 3.1 release and also a new tutorial.

Source: Getting started with Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificates on Ubuntu (Howtoforge)