A short guide on configuring your Raspberry Pi to automatically run x11vnc server at startup

Hey guys, I thought I would share a short guide I made about configuring x11vnc to automatically launch every time the Pi boots up. I had such a hard time getting it to work and thought I should spread the knowledge. I’m a noob with Linux and the Pi, so I thought this would be really beneficial to any other noobs who are trying to get their Pi to run headless. I am using Raspbian Jessie so I’m not sure how well this will work with other distros.

This short guide assumes you already have a VNC viewer and know how to configure it. These instructions outline how to configure your Raspberry Pi to automatically start the x11vnc server every time it is booted. This way, you will be able to remotely connect to your Pi any time you launch your VNC viewer.

Source: Here is a short guide I made on configuring your RPi to automatically run x11vnc server at startup (Reddit/Raspberry Pi)

Raspberry Pi as a SOCKS proxy and SSH file server Tutorial

A couple redditors showed interest in how I set up my Pi as a SOCKS proxy and recommended I make a separate post as a tutorial, so I’ll do my best to explain everything.


SOCKS stands for Socket Secure, and is essentially just a middle man for a server and client for send information between. The best description I’ve heard of it is “It’s a poor man’s VPN.” It essentially works the same, but each service has to be configured to work with it (i.e. I have Firefox on my Mac working through my SOCKS proxy but not Chrome and Safari). Why would you want a SOCKS proxy over a VPN? From my experience, it runs better on a Pi, and I can also do multiple things over SSH (such as also run a file server). Having to configure each service to run through it can also be a pro or a con, depending on if you want everything to work through it or not.

Basic Overview

There’s really not much to setting everything up; it’s a pretty straightforward process. For those just looking for something short and sweet, here are the basic steps I followed. I’ll go over each more in depth below.

Source: RPi as a SOCKS proxy and SSH file server Tutorial (Reddit/Raspberry Pi)