Link: Weekend Project: Set Up An IPv6 Tunnel

Don’t have IPv6 connectivity to your home or office network? Have you asked your ISP about getting IPv6 and they can’t give you a timeframe?

Don’t despair! One way you can get IPv6 connectivity for your home office is to set up an “IPv6 tunnel” from your network out over your IPv4 Internet connection to an “IPv6 Tunnel Broker” service that will then connect you out to the rest of the IPv6-enabled Internet.

An IPv6 tunnel can work quite well and was in fact what I used for most of two years until my local ISP just recently provided native IPv6 connectivity.  The good news, too, is that there are IPv6 tunnel broker services that are available to you for free, operated by companies and organizations that want to expand the use of IPv6.

Full article here:
Weekend Project: Set Up An IPv6 Tunnel (Internet Society)

Links: Turn a Raspberry Pi into a Web Radio Receiver

Along with their conventional RF transmitters, nearly all major radio stations now broadcast their programs through the Internet (Streaming Media). Also, many web-radios are exclusively Internet-based.

Being cheap and small, transforming the Raspberry PI into an Internet radio player was really tempting. Adding a wireless adapter, plus a handful of cheap components, the RPI may easily be transformed into a standalone “receiver”.

Full articles from IT9XXS Blog here:
Turn a Raspberry Pi into a Web Radio Receiver (Part 1)
Turn a Raspberry Pi into a Web Radio Receiver (Part 2)

Link: 29 Practical Examples of Nmap Commands for Linux System/Network Administrators

The Nmap aka Network Mapper is an open source and a very versatile tool for Linux system/network administrators. Nmap is used for exploring networks, perform security scans, network audit and finding open ports on remote machine. It scans for Live hosts, Operating systems, packet filters and open ports running on remote hosts.

Full article here:
29 Practical Examples of Nmap Commands for Linux System/Network Administrators (Tecmint)

Related articles:
Beginner’s Guide to Using nmap (Make Tech Easier)
Advanced Uses For Nmap (Make Tech Easier)

Link: How to Use Btrfs On Newly Installed Disks (+ additional Btrfs links)

Btrfs (pronounced ‘Butter F S’) is an advanced filesystem for Linux which can work across multiple hard disks and supports different fault tolerance models like RAID 0, RAID 1 and RAID 10. Btrfs has been in development since 2008 and it is what is known as a “copy on write” filesystem which means that when the data changes in a block, then the block will be copied a new block written to the disk with the changes incorporated. This means that blocks are never modified but rather new blocks are created and the old blocks are later reused. This has advantages for performance especially when ensuring consistency and integrity (even after a power interruption).

Full article here:
How to Use Btrfs On Newly Installed Disks (Make Tech Easier)

Related articles from ZDNet:
Btrfs hands on: My first experiments with a new Linux file system
Btrfs hands on: An extremely cool file system
Btrfs hands on: Exploring RAID and redundancy
Btrfs: Exploring its powerful filesystem subvolumes and snapshots
Btrfs hands-on: Exploring the error recovery features of the new Linux file system

Link: Asterisk Hangup Handlers


Hangup handlers are subroutines attached to a channel that will execute when that channel hangs up. Unlike the traditional h extension, hangup handlers follow the channel. Thus hangup handlers are always run when a channel is hung up, regardless of where in the dialplan a channel is executing.

Multiple hangup handlers can be attached to a single channel. If multiple hangup handlers are attached to a channel, the hangup handlers will be executed in the order of most recently added first.

Full documentation page here:
Hangup Handlers (Asterisk Project)

Note: Hangup handlers were introduced in Asterisk 11, and therefore many long time Asterisk users may not be aware of this new feature. If you have always wanted your Asterisk server to perform some action at the time a call is hung up, a hangup handler might be the solution you have been looking for.

Link: Raspberry Pi Remote For Free! (How you may be able to control your Raspberry Pi using your TV’s remote)

For my first ible I just wanted to give everyone a quick tutorial on how to use the HDMI-CEC protocol to control your Pi with your Tv’s remote control.

This is very useful because is saves you from having to buy a remote just for your Pi and also leaves you with an open usb that you would have needed for your wireless keyboard and mouse.

Full article here:
Raspberry Pi Remote For Free! (Instructables)

Link: PiRadio

There are a few Raspberry Pi internet radio projects out there. Here’s one I made pretty much from scratch – I think it’s probably the simplest functional bare-bones internet radio you can make. It starts up when you turn your Pi on and has a single push button for changing the station – no display, no volume control, uses the Pi’s on-board sound jack – in fact nothing fancy at all. The only clever thing about it, is that it remembers which station you were listening to last time it was turned on – though you can make it even simpler and more reliable by removing that bit of the code (see the end of this post).

Full article here:
PiRadio (Blog My Wiki!)

Link: 20 Linux YUM (Yellowdog Updater, Modified) Commands for Package Management

In this article, we will learn how to install, update, remove, find packages, manage packages and repositories on Linux systems using YUM (Yellowdog Updater Modified) tool developed by RedHat. The example commands shown in this article are practically tested on our CentOS 6.3 server, you can use these material for study purpose, certifications or just to explore ways to install new packages and keep your system up-to-date. The basic requirement of this article is, you must have a basic understanding of commands and a working Linux operating system, where you can explore and practice all the commands listed below.

Full article here:
20 Linux YUM (Yellowdog Updater, Modified) Commands for Package Management (Tecmint)

Link: Linux: Keep An Eye On Your System With Glances Monitor

Is there is a tool that can provide me a maximum of information (such as cpu, disk I/O, network, nfsd, memory and more) about my Linux/Unix server in a minimum of space in a terminal?


Say hello to Glances

From the project home page:

Glances is a free (LGPL) cross-platform curses-based monitoring tool which aims to present a maximum of information in a minimum of space, ideally to fit in a classical 80×24 terminal or higher to have additionnal information. Glances can adapt dynamically the displayed information depending on the terminal size. It can also work in a client/server mode for remote monitoring.

Full article here:
Linux: Keep An Eye On Your System With Glances Monitor (nixCraft)

Note that in addition to the above article, the project page for Glances can be found here.