How to Set Up Peer-to-Peer VPN with Tinc on Ubuntu 22.04

Tinc is free and open-source VPN software that can be used to create mesh VPN networks. It is a small and powerful VPN daemon that can be installed on multiple platforms. Tinc uses encryptions and tunneling for creating a secure private network between multiple hosts.

Tinc provides additional features such as encryption, compression, and automatic mesh routing. This allows you to create secure and distributed private networks between servers in different locations.

In this tutorial, you will set up a peer-to-peer VPN server with tinc using multiple Ubuntu 22.04 servers. You will set up a peer-to-peer VPN with three different servers. Each server will be able to connect via a secure VPN connection.

Source: How to Set Up Peer-to-Peer VPN with Tinc on Ubuntu 22.04 (Howtoforge)

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