Link: How to install an Opensource VPN Server on Linux

One of the most concerning factors to me while browsing, Is how can I ensure that my data remains private and secure ? While searching for answers, I came cross a number of ways in which you can remain anonymous like using a proxy website. But still using a third party service was not assuring enough. What I needed was a software which could be installed and run by me thus ensuring that I and only I would have access to the data.

So what is such a software called?

It’s called a VPN service or short for Virtual Private Network. It allows you to encrypt your data via SSL when you connect through it. Since the connection is encrypted even your ISP cannot see what your browsing.

In this Linux Tutorial , I will be installing an OpenVPN Access Server on CentOS 7 . OpenVPN is easy to use, OpenSource and has community based support. It has clients for Windows, Android, and Mac.

Full article here:
How to install an Opensource VPN Server on Linux (

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