How To Sandbox Processes With Systemd On Ubuntu 20.04

Sandboxing is a computer security technique that focuses on isolating a program or process from parts of a system that it does not need to interact with during normal operation. In this tutorial you will run through a practical demonstration of how to use systemd’s sandboxing techniques on Ubuntu 20.04 for an efficient workflow to implement and to test these techniques. Any process that runs on a Linux system that uses systemd can be made more secure with these techniques.

Source: How To Sandbox Processes With Systemd On Ubuntu 20.04 | DigitalOcean

5 Best DNS Servers (2020) – Free Public DNS For Speedy Connections

Switching from your ISP’s offering to a custom DNS server can be beneficial. As many have experienced, these public DNS servers from the house of Google, Cisco, and others offer much better performance in terms of latency and features. ….. So, if you’re looking for some good custom DNS servers, here we have compiled a list of the most popular and reliable public DNS servers in the market.

Source: 5 Best DNS Servers (2020) – Free Public DNS For Speedy Connections (Fossbytes)

Create A Bootable USB Drive By Simply Copying The ISO To The USB With Ventoy (Linux And Windows)

Ventoy selection menu

Ventoy is a fairly new open source tool to create bootable USB drives using Linux or Microsoft Windows ISO files. You install this tool to a USB drive, then simply copy some ISO files to the USB drive and you can boot from it with no other changes (so without having to reformat the USB drive every time you want to create a bootable USB drive, and without having to extract the ISO file contents).

Source: Create A Bootable USB Drive By Simply Copying The ISO To The USB With Ventoy (Linux And Windows) – Linux Uprising Blog

Setting up a WireGuard VPN on the Raspberry Pi

In this project, we will show you how to set up a WireGuard VPN on the Raspberry Pi.

WireGuard is a new VPN protocol that has recently been going a lot of popularity.

There are a couple of advantages to using the WireGuard VPN on your Raspberry Pi over OpenVPN.

Source: Setting up a WireGuard VPN on the Raspberry Pi – Pi My Life Up