Boost Up Productivity in Bash – Tips and Tricks

When spending most of your day around bash shell, it is not uncommon to waste time typing the same commands over and over again. This is pretty close to the definition of insanity.

Luckily, bash gives us several ways to avoid repetition and increase productivity.

Today, we will explore the tools we can leverage to optimize what I love to call “shell time”.

Source: Boost Up Productivity in Bash – Tips and Tricks | Linux Journal

Free up Disk Space – Clear Systemd Journal Logs in Ubuntu 20.04

Going to free up Ubuntu system disk space? Try clearing the systemd journal logs, it may free up a few GB of space.
You can also edit the configuration file to limit the journal log disk usage (100 MB for example).

Source: Free up Disk Space – Clear Systemd Journal Logs in Ubuntu 20.04 | UbuntuHandbook

How To Use Assignment Expressions in Python

Python 3.8, released in October 2019, adds assignment expressions to Python via the := syntax. The assignment expression syntax is also sometimes called “the walrus operator” because := vaguely resembles a walrus with tusks.

Assignment expressions allow variable assignments to occur inside of larger expressions. While assignment expressions are never strictly necessary to write correct Python code, they can help make existing Python code more concise. ….. In this tutorial, you will use assignment expressions in several examples to produce concise sections of code.

Source: How To Use Assignment Expressions in Python | DigitalOcean

The Easiest Way to Install OpenVPN Server on Raspberry Pi

OpenVPN is a service to host your own VPN server, without using third-party servers.

A VPN is a secured connection between two networks, for example between your phone and your home.

In this tutorial, I’ll give you a step-by-step method to install it quickly on Raspberry Pi.

Source: The Easiest Way to Install OpenVPN Server on Raspberry Pi – RaspberryTips

Sudo Permission Denied with Redirect or Pipe [Solutions]

In this tutorial, I will show you how to use the sudo command when using it with redirect or pipe. When using sudo with redirection (>) or pipe (|), you will get Permission denied error message in bash output. Further here, I will show you different ways to fix this problem.

Source: Sudo Permission Denied with Redirect or Pipe [Solutions] (LinOxide)

Schedule Commands And Scripts In Linux With Zeit (GUI For Cron And At)

Zeit is a Qt GUI for cron and at, allowing you to schedule recurring or one time tasks. The application also allows setting an alarm and a timer.

Other features include the ability to add, edit and delete environment variables for crontab, as well as optional PolKit support for root actions.

Source: Schedule Commands And Scripts In Linux With Zeit (GUI For Cron And At) – Linux Uprising Blog