Secure Shell Access (SSH) – Linux Command Line | Code Snipcademy

Secure Shell Access (SSH) – Learn about Secure Shell Access (SSH), private and public keys, SCP, and all other topics related to the ssh command in our beginner’s tutorial.

Introduction – Introduction to SSH, how it’s better than telnet and basic ssh commands.

SSH Keys: RSA and DSA – Learn about SSH public and private keys, along with the most widely used key types – RSA and DSA. Also learn how to easily copy your public key to a host server with the ssh-copy-id command.

SSH Agent and SSH Add – Learn how to use the SSH agent daemon and the ssh-add command to manage your SSH keys and passphrases.

Secure Copying (SCP) – Learn how to use the scp command to upload and download files from remote hosts.

Source: Secure Shell Access (SSH) – Linux Command Line | Code Snipcademy

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