Midnight Commander remote connect via Shell link (copy files over SSH) and SFTP link using FISH and public key authentication

In this post, I show you how to configure SSH for Midnight Commander to remotely copy or move files with the file manager’s Shell link feature and public key authentication. I will also explain the difference between files transferred over Shell Protocol (FISH) and Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) and say a word or two about Midnight Commander’s SFTP feature.

Source: Midnight Commander remote connect via Shell link (copy files over SSH) and SFTP link using FISH and public key authentication – 4sysops

SSH port forwarding (tunneling) in Linux

In this tutorial, we will cover SSH port forwarding in Linux. This is a function of the SSH utility that Linux administrators use to create encrypted and secure relays across different systems.

SSH port forwarding, also called SSH tunneling, is used to create a secure connection between two or more systems. Applications can then use these tunnels to transmit data.

Source: SSH port forwarding (tunneling) in Linux – Like Geeks

How To Disable SSH reverse DNS Lookups in Linux/Unix system

By default, ssh server performs a reverse DNS lookup for authentication requests. This can be so annoying as you wait ten’s of seconds for the lookup to finish. You may experience a delay before receiving a password prompt while accessing a remote system via ssh.

This guide will show you how to disable SSH reverse DNS lookups in a Linux/Unix system. The method discussed here works for all Linux and Unix based operating systems running OpenSSH Server.

Source: How To Disable SSH reverse DNS Lookups in Linux/Unix system – Computing for Geeks