Link: Tweak Ubuntu Unity: Get a dock-style launcher and Unity Dash

Figure A

One of the biggest complaints I receive about Ubuntu Unity is that the Launcher is locked to the left side — with no way to move it. Up until Ubuntu 11.10, there was a hack through the Compiz Config Manager that allowed you to move the Launcher to the bottom of the screen. It was unstable, caused crashes, and finally was removed as a solution. Eventually, from the developers of Unity it was declared that the option wouldn’t ever find its way into the configuration of the Launcher. Why? The main reason, I believe, is that it causes issues with the Unity Dash (there could be a plethora of other reasons, I’m sure).

This morning, though, I had an epiphany. Why try to break Unity to get the launcher on the bottom, when you can add a couple of apps and have the best of both worlds? You can still get the amazing functionality of the Dash and not have to be relegated to a launcher on the left side of the screen? When that hit me, it only took me a couple of seconds to realize what needed to be done to achieve what you see in Figure A above.

Full article here:
Tweak Ubuntu Unity: Get a dock-style launcher and Unity Dash (TechRepublic)
Restore Application Window Menus in Ubuntu’s Unity (Linux Tips)