Link: Tweak Ubuntu Unity: Get a dock-style launcher and Unity Dash

Figure A

One of the biggest complaints I receive about Ubuntu Unity is that the Launcher is locked to the left side — with no way to move it. Up until Ubuntu 11.10, there was a hack through the Compiz Config Manager that allowed you to move the Launcher to the bottom of the screen. It was unstable, caused crashes, and finally was removed as a solution. Eventually, from the developers of Unity it was declared that the option wouldn’t ever find its way into the configuration of the Launcher. Why? The main reason, I believe, is that it causes issues with the Unity Dash (there could be a plethora of other reasons, I’m sure).

This morning, though, I had an epiphany. Why try to break Unity to get the launcher on the bottom, when you can add a couple of apps and have the best of both worlds? You can still get the amazing functionality of the Dash and not have to be relegated to a launcher on the left side of the screen? When that hit me, it only took me a couple of seconds to realize what needed to be done to achieve what you see in Figure A above.

Full article here:
Tweak Ubuntu Unity: Get a dock-style launcher and Unity Dash (TechRepublic)
Restore Application Window Menus in Ubuntu’s Unity (Linux Tips)

Thread watch: Is it possible to use a remote control to navigate the Unity Launcher in Ubuntu?

Although many Ubuntu users seem to hate the Unity Launcher in the most recent versions of Ubuntu, some folks are thinking that it might make a great program launcher for use with a LIRC-compatible remote control, if only the remote could actually navigate the launcher. While no one seems to have brought this idea entirely to fruition, there are apparently ways to make it mostly work:

Thread: Any way to use a remote and LIRC to control Unity Launcher? (Ubuntu forums)