Link: Manage Multiple SSH Connections Easily With PAC Manager [Linux]

If you have used SSH to connect to a remote machine before, you know the procedure: open a terminal, type in the SSH command and the host IP, enter the password. This is probably easy for a single connection, but if you are a system administrator looking after several remote machines and have a need to manage multiple SSH connections, you will need a better and easier solution. You need PAC Manager.

Full article here:
Manage Multiple SSH Connections Easily With PAC Manager [Linux] (Make Tech Easier)

2 thoughts on “Link: Manage Multiple SSH Connections Easily With PAC Manager [Linux]

  1. How can I set up protocol handler with PAC so when I click a SSH/telnet link in firefox/chrome it opens up a new tab in PAC?

    1. Since this was a link to an article on another site, no one here can help you with that. You need to post that question on the Make Tech Easier site.

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