Link: How To Install Openfire On CentOS 7

Openfire is a real time collaboration (RTC) server licensed under the Open Source Apache License. It is also known as Jabber. It uses the only widely adopted open protocol for instant messaging, XMPP. The full name of XMPP is Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol. It is a real-time communication protocol (which includes chat) based on XML. Installation and the management of Openfire is pretty simple.

It should be noted that with Openfire, no chat is possible yet. A client is needed: Openfire cannot be used alone, just like web servers need a browser.

In this tutorial we will see, how to install Openfire in a clean minimal installation of CentOS 7.

Full article here:
How To Install Openfire On CentOS 7 (Unixmen)

Link: Setting up Prosody (XMPP server) on the Raspberry Pi for house/apartment/secret club house-wide chatroom

Figure A

Although I only live with 4 others, wife, son & 2 cats, in a small 5 room apartment most evenings we are in different rooms, or in the summer 3 different floors, wearing headphones chilling to our own choices in music & tv. As I think it’s uncouth to yell out of the window or across the apartment to get someone’s attention I setup a Raspberry Pi Model B as an XMPP server running MUC. As it’s only for 3 people, unless we have visitors, I chose to run Prosody, it’s pretty lightweight, easy to setup, the stable version is in the raspbian repos & i’ve used it before. I’ve also used and run ejabberd, openfire, tigase, jabberd,… but IMHO they are heavier on resources and a bit harder to setup, and are overkill for my needs and anyway I like lua.

Full article here:
Setting up Prosody on the Raspberry Pi for house/apartment/secret club house-wide chatroom (Executing Gummiworms)
NOTE: The author appears to have taken down the above article, but there is a cached version at the Wayback Machine.
Related articles:
Using the prosody xmpp/chat server (Debian Administration)
Installing Prosody XMPP Server on Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) (Linode Library)