Link: Google Drive No Longer Offers Web Hosting [Workaround]

….. Google has recently upgraded the Google Drive interface for everyone and, according to the support page, the web hosting feature is no longer available in the new Google Drive. You can still create public folders inside Drive but the option to publish that folder as a website is gone.

The good news however is that is still very much possible to host sites on Google Drive through Google Scripts without you having to write a single line of code. Here are the steps involved:

Full article here:
Google Drive No Longer Offers Web Hosting [Workaround] (Digital Inspiration)

Link: How to mount Google Drive on Linux

As I speak, more than 22,000 people signed up for a petition, desperately wanting to have an official native Linux client for Google Drive, and yet their voice is still being ignored by Google. Perhaps when it comes to boosting their bottom line, Linux desktop market is not a priority for Google.

They can ignore Linux desktop market all they want, but they cannot ignore the power of FOSS. Faced with the frustration, the open-source community responded, producing unofficial Google Drive clients such as Grive or SyncDrive. These clients are file synchronization tools which sync files and folders between local file system and remote Google Drive. As such, you cannot mount Google Drive using these tools.

If you want to mount Google Drive on Linux, you can try google-drive-ocamlfuse, which is a FUSE-based file system backed by Google Drive. Using this user-space file system, you can mount your Google Drive account on Linux, and have full read/write access to files/folders in Google Drive as if they were local files/folders.

In this tutorial, I will describe how to mount Google Drive on Linux with google-drive-ocamlfuse.

Full article here:
How to mount Google Drive on Linux (Xmodulo)

Link: Back up your Raspberry Pi to your Google drive

Being able to back up data to the cloud is very useful. It means that even if your Raspberry Pi dies or your SD card gets corrupted, your data is still safe. It also means that you can access your data from any where in the world.

If you have a Google drive account, you can use the grive program to sync a folder on your Pi with your Google drive.

Full article here:
Back up your Pi to your Google drive (Raspberry Web Server)