Link: How to run “unkillable” programs in Linux

Here is a neat trick. If you want to start a program that always respawns if it gets killed, just put it in /etc/inittab. The init process will respawn the program. That’s what it’s for.

Here’s an example. …

Full article here:
How to run unkillable* programs in Linux (
* “unkillable” refers to a program that respawns when you kill it.

Link: Enabling Remote Desktop Access with xdrp on a Raspberry Pi

If you need to run your Raspberry Pi “headless” (without a monitor) you can connect to it via SSH. But if you need access to the desktop then one option is to use VNC, which is great if you aren’t already using Microsoft’s Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to connect with other servers. But if you are already using RDP then it is more convenient to enable RDP access to the Raspberry Pi and stick with just one type of client viewer.

RDP is a proprietary protocol developed by Microsoft. It is used primarily in Microsoft’s Windows Server products so that the servers can run without a monitor attached. All modern desktop versions of Windows (like Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8) all come with an RDP viewer (called Remote Desktop Connection) pre-installed. This means you won’t need to install any extra software to access the Pi’s full desktop from a Windows PC.

Full article here:
Enabling Remote Desktop Access with xdrp on a Raspberry Pi (Make Tech Easier)

Links: Turn a Raspberry Pi into a Web Radio Receiver

Along with their conventional RF transmitters, nearly all major radio stations now broadcast their programs through the Internet (Streaming Media). Also, many web-radios are exclusively Internet-based.

Being cheap and small, transforming the Raspberry PI into an Internet radio player was really tempting. Adding a wireless adapter, plus a handful of cheap components, the RPI may easily be transformed into a standalone “receiver”.

Full articles from IT9XXS Blog here:
Turn a Raspberry Pi into a Web Radio Receiver (Part 1)
Turn a Raspberry Pi into a Web Radio Receiver (Part 2)

Link: PiRadio

There are a few Raspberry Pi internet radio projects out there. Here’s one I made pretty much from scratch – I think it’s probably the simplest functional bare-bones internet radio you can make. It starts up when you turn your Pi on and has a single push button for changing the station – no display, no volume control, uses the Pi’s on-board sound jack – in fact nothing fancy at all. The only clever thing about it, is that it remembers which station you were listening to last time it was turned on – though you can make it even simpler and more reliable by removing that bit of the code (see the end of this post).

Full article here:
PiRadio (Blog My Wiki!)

Link: Linux: Keep An Eye On Your System With Glances Monitor

Is there is a tool that can provide me a maximum of information (such as cpu, disk I/O, network, nfsd, memory and more) about my Linux/Unix server in a minimum of space in a terminal?


Say hello to Glances

From the project home page:

Glances is a free (LGPL) cross-platform curses-based monitoring tool which aims to present a maximum of information in a minimum of space, ideally to fit in a classical 80×24 terminal or higher to have additionnal information. Glances can adapt dynamically the displayed information depending on the terminal size. It can also work in a client/server mode for remote monitoring.

Full article here:
Linux: Keep An Eye On Your System With Glances Monitor (nixCraft)

Note that in addition to the above article, the project page for Glances can be found here.

Home Heating Hacking with the Raspberry Pi (Links)

It seems that to some degree, if you can dream it, you can do it with a Raspberry Pi.  We are constantly amazed with the uses that people find for the little computers.  And we are big fans of anything that will save someone a trip outside in a bitter cold winter such as we are having this year!  Therefore, we found these articles by alaskanshade interesting:

Home Heating Hacking Part 1 or How to Measure an Oil Tank

Home Heating Hacking Part 2 or How to (Almost) Audit a Furnace

We don’t know if there will be more to come in this series, but you can always check alaskanshade’s blog to find out.  To us, this seems a bit more practical than, say, a Raspberry Pi Power Cat Feeder (yes, someone really built that).

Link: Midnight Commander Custom Interface Colors

Most Linux users are already familiar with the popular Midnight Commander console file manager so I will forego the introduction. This file manager supports custom user interface color schemes for increased personalization. The color scheme can be modified conveniently at any time by editing a single configuration file.

Full article here:
Midnight Commander Custom Interface Colors (Linux Library)

Link: Record Audio from System/Microphone/Applications with ‘Audio Recorder’, Available for Ubuntu/Linux Mint

Audio Recorder is an amazing audio recording program, this small tool allows user to record audio from microphones, webcams, system sound card, media player or web browser & etc. It can save recording in various formats listed: Ogg, Mp3, Flac, Wav (22khz), Wav (44khz) and Spx.

Full article here:
Record Audio from System/Microphone/Applications with ‘Audio Recorder’, Available for Ubuntu/Linux Mint (Noobs Lab)

Link: Install And Learn How To Use ufw Firewall In Linux

Ubuntu does not have many open ports by default, but there are times when you want to restrict access to a port(ports) or a specific ip adress. Maybe you run a ssh server in your ubuntu machine and want to block everyone from connecting to it, except yourself. Have you ever thought how to accomplish such things or tried to do it? You need a firewall to do that. In this article I will explain what is a firewall and teach you how to use the ufw ubuntu firewall by giving real world examples of it.

Full article here:
Install And Learn How To Use ufw Firewall In Linux (LinOxide)

How to run a program every time a user logs in to Linux (and where the startup configuration files are stored)

Sometimes new Linux users want to know how to run a particular command or shell script every time a user logs in (which also implies that if it’s a single-user system, this could be a command that runs when the system starts). In Ubuntu and its many variants, you can simply place the startup command in Ubuntu’s Startup Applications Preferences, as we demonstrated in the article, Enabling a SOCKS proxy via SSH tunnel in Ubuntu or Mac OS X at startup.

Ubuntu Startup Applications Preferences - adding SOCKS proxy
Ubuntu Startup Applications Preferences – adding SOCKS proxy

However, you may be on a variant of Linux that doesn’t have a Startup Applications Preferences program, or maybe you simply want to add something from the command prompt. Or maybe you want to tweak an existing startup command to do something different. The key to this is that the startup configuration files for each user are stored in the ~/.config/autostart directory (where ~ is the user’s home directory). The actual format of the files may differ between different variants of Linux, and some versions may not utilize them at all, but if that directory exists on your system, that’s probably where they are stored. There are also system-wide autostart files; those are found in the /etc/xdg/autostart directory, at least on Ubuntu-based systems.

For example, referring back to the command to activate a SOCKS proxy when Ubuntu starts (the first example in the article referenced above), what happens when you create that command in the Startup Applications Preferences is that it creates a file named ~/.config/autostart/screen.desktop (the filename will be different for each autostart command), which in turn contains the actual script that’s run at startup (similar to this example):

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=screen -dmS tunnel ssh username@server_address -D local_socks_proxy_port
Name[en_US]=SSH Tunnel
Name=SSH Tunnel
Comment[en_US]=SSH SOCKS proxy tunnel
Comment=SSH SOCKS proxy tunnel

The startup scripts can contain much more than just this. When you install certain programs that autostart, they will write considerably more complicated configurations. In Ubuntu, you can take a look at the /etc/xdg/autostart/update-notifier.desktop file as an example of a more complex configuration file.

Possibly the best way to figure out the format of these files is to take a look at several of them in the directories mentioned above, since they may well differ to some degree in different versions of Linux. There are other ways to start programs at startup in Linux, but they may run at system startup before a user has logged in, or they may only execute if a user logs in using a terminal session, but not when they bring up a desktop session. The method shown here is supposed to work no matter how a user logs into the system. And, it can sometimes be useful to know where Linux stores its configurations.