If you’re interested in monitoring the temp on Linux, you’ll need a terminal-based program called lm-Sensors. It has a lot of other uses too. Check it out.
Source: Monitor Your PC’s Temperature on Linux Using lm-sensors (Make Tech Easier)
If you’re interested in monitoring the temp on Linux, you’ll need a terminal-based program called lm-Sensors. It has a lot of other uses too. Check it out.
Source: Monitor Your PC’s Temperature on Linux Using lm-sensors (Make Tech Easier)
Overview of Ext2, Ext3 and Ext4 Linux File Systems and How to Convert and Create Linux File Systems.
Source: What is Ext2, Ext3 & Ext4 and How to Create and Convert – Tecmint
Understanding Linux File Systems – Part 1 (/proc file system)
Source: Understanding Linux File Systems – Part 1 (/proc file system) | Unixmen
FTP is a standardized network protocol and probably the quickest as well as easiest option available when a large chunk of data is to be transferred, from one host to another, over a TCP-based network. FTP defines a client-server architecture which uses two separate ‘well-known’ ports, for data (port no. 20, used for data transfer) and control (port no. 21, used for authentication) connections, in order to establish connectivity between the server and the client.
Source: How To : Set up a FTPS (FTP over SSL) Server on Linux ~ Your Own Linux..!
On Windows machines hard drives automatically sleep and spin down when they are not in use. This theoretically extends the life of your USB or SATA hard dr
Source: Spin Down and Manage Hard Drive Power on Raspberry Pi •
Developers can register an application with GitHub’s OAuth service to access user data.
Using OAuth, a developer can create an independent app that has access to its users’ accounts on other services. For example, Facebook lets developers create games whereby users of the games can post to their own walls on Facebook from within the app. The app doesn’t access the user’s credentials, thus keeping the interaction secure, and the user can at any time revoke the permissions granted to the app.
To accomplish this, Facebook and other services, including Google and GitHub, have implemented an OAuth service. There are two sets of code involved: The code running on the OAuth provider (e.g. Facebook itself), and the code running on the OAuth client (e.g. a site or app that lets you log in with your Facebook credentials). Between these two sets of code, programmers can write OAuth clients, e.g. websites and apps that let people log in using a provider such as Facebook. And that’s what we’re going to cover here.
Full article here:
How to Write an OAuth Client to Access Data on Other Applications (Linux.com)
Related articles:
What the Heck is OAuth? (SitePoint)
Authenticating with Google (Stormpath)
Authentic External: Authenticate users with OAuth providers (PHP Classes)
Python developer articles – OAuth step by step (Python Resources at Memect)
Tutorial: How to Implement Java OAuth 2.0 to Sign-In with GitHub and Google (Java Code Geeks)
Remote Access to Google Spreadsheets using Python, GSpread and OAuth2 (Warehouseman)
Using cURL, BASH and Google oAuth to access Google Analytics (jbmurphy.com)
Using OAuth2 with service account on gdata in python (Stack Overflow)
Upgrade Asterisk to an OAUTH2.0 connection with Google Voice (DSLReports)
Motion Google Drive Uploader for OAuth 2.0 (Jeremy’s Blog)
In the Internet world we are doing everything using a computer. Electronic Commerce aka e-commerce is one one of them. E-Commerce is nothing new and it started in the early days of ARPANET, where ARPANET used to arrange sale between students of Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.
These days there are some 100’s of E-Commerce site viz., Flipcart, eBay, Alibaba, Zappos, IndiaMART, Amazon, etc. Have you thought of making your own Amazon and Flipcart like web-based Application Server? If yes! This article is for you.
Opencart is a free and open source E-Commerce Application written in PHP, which can be used to develop a shopping cart system similar to Amazon and Flipcart. If you want to sell your products online or want to serve your customers even when you are closed Opencart is for you. You can build a successful online store (for online merchants) using reliable and professional Opencart Application.
Full article here:
How to Create Own Online Shopping Store Using “OpenCart” in Linux (Tecmint)
Ever wondered how superb it would be watching Netflix on Linux? Well then, here is the great news: Yes you can watch Netflix on Linux! Amazingly, all you will need is Chrome and Ubuntu 12.04 LTS or 14.04 LTS (the new versions of Network Security Services), then you would be on your way to watching your streaming movies via Netflix. Now before I get into the details on how to watch Netflix on Linux, I think it would be really cool that you know why you need what you need.
Full article here:
How to Watch Netflix On Linux (SecureKnow)
We have already covered a detailed guide on kill, pkill and killall commands.
For those who are running X server there is another tool called xkill which can kill a process from its X window without passing process name or its PID.
xkill utility forces X server to close communications to its client which results into killing of client by its X resource. xkill which is a part of X11 utilities is very handy in killing unnecessary windows.
Full article here:
How to Kill Linux Processes/Unresponsive Applications Using ‘xkill’ Command (Tecmint)
In my previous article, 8 Linux file managers to try, I compared a number of file managers, but there was not enough space to go into detail about any of the several file managers that I mentioned briefly. This article will delve a bit further into Midnight Commander, and I plan to write more to cover some of the other file managers in more detail.
Midnight Commander (MC) is a text-based Command Line Interface (CLI) program. It is particularly useful when a GUI is not available but can also be used as a primary file manager in a terminal session even when you are using a GUI. I use Midnight Commander frequently because I often have need to interact with local and remote Linux computers using the CLI. It can be used with almost any of the common shells and remote terminals through SSH.
Full article here:
Get started with Midnight Commander, a Linux file manager (Opensource.com)
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