Upscayl AI Image Upscaler 2.5 Adds Option To Import Custom Models, New Settings Tab

Upscayl AI image upscaler has a new release, currently just for Linux, which adds some important new features and changes, like the ability to import your own models, a new settings tab, experimental scale option, and more.

Source: Upscayl AI Image Upscaler 2.5 Adds Option To Import Custom Models, New Settings Tab – Linux Uprising Blog

WordPress: Turning your blog into a Fediverse server

If you have an independently hosted blog powered by WordPress, you can add a special plug-in that turns it into a Fediverse server. When the plug-in is installed, people will be able to follow and interact with your blog posts from Mastodon and other types of Fediverse server.

Source: WordPress: Turning your blog into a Fediverse server | Fedi.Tips – An Unofficial Guide to Mastodon and the Fediverse