How To Use The Raspberry Pi As A Wireless Access Point/Router, and other Raspberry Pi tricks

Just some quick links for the Raspberry Pi fans out there, from a multi-part series of articles on “How To : Use The Raspberry Pi As A Wireless Access Point/Router” via a blog called The Rantings and Ravings of a Madman:

Part 1 — How to create a Wireless Network On Your RPi
Part 2 — How to make your RPi into a Wireless Access Point
Part 3 — How to make your RPi into a Router
Part 3B – Issues with HostAPD ? Click here!

But the author of this blog didn’t stop there. Here are a few of his more recent articles, in a similar vein:

Script : WiFi Checker Script
Script : Starting hostapd when WiFi goes down
How To : Turn the Raspberry Pi Into a Shaping WiFi Router
Script : Web Configuration Page for Raspberry Pi
How To : Use A RT5370 USB WiFi NIC In A Bridge

And in case you are thinking that the only things he knows how to do with a Raspberry Pi involve WiFi, guess again! Here is a link to all his Raspberry Pi related posts.

If you have an RSS newsreader, you might want to add his feed, or follow him on Twitter to get notifications of his latest blog posts.

If you know of any other great blogs for Raspberry Pi users that are of the same caliber as this one, please feel free to let us know in the comments!

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