Link: Use YUM to roll back a bad software install under CentOS/Fedora/Red Hat Linux

If you are running a RPM-compatible version of Linux that uses YUM to install software, this is for you:

Yesterday, I had a situation where a colleague experienced an issue that caused loss of audio and it seems that one of the updates which had just finished installing may have been the culprit.

Here’s where YUM shines bright and I thought I’d share a feature with you that will definitely be of help at some point. It’s the yum history feature.

It just so happens that yum while performing updates is simultaneously running a journal transaction set recording your update to a transaction id along with all of the excruciatingly painful package update and dependency information you’d ever want to know. Most of the time, you’ll never care about it. In some situations however, you may encounter a post-update problem.

The good news with yum is you have a recourse. If you need to or at the direction of your Distro’s technical support team, you may be called upon to perform a rollback.

Here’s how it works.

Read the entire article here:
YUM: A Breed Apart

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