Link: Google Voice Customers Cry Out For Help, No One At Google Hears Them


This is an edited version of a post that originally appeared on a blog called The Michigan Telephone Blog, which was written by a friend before he decided to stop blogging. It is reposted with his permission. Comments dated before the year 2013 were originally posted to his blog.

The Consumerist is just waking up to a fact that many of us Google Voice users realized a long time ago:  There is virtually no such thing as customer support at Google Voice.  For example, they still haven’t fixed the bug that even if you disable call screening, it’s still turned on if the calls are delivered via Google Chat, and that’s been a problem for at least three or four years now.  Nor have they come up with a way to change the amount of time the call rings at the destination before Google snatches it back and sends it to Google Voice’s voicemail (approximately 25 seconds is just too short in some situations).

The Consumerist article doesn’t touch on either of those specific issues, but at least they’re beginning to understand that the complete lack of effective support at Google Voice can really be a problem:

Google Voice Customers Cry Out For Help, No One At Google Hears Them (The Consumerist via the Wayback Machine)

Yes, I know it’s a free service and some will say you get what you pay for, and I guess that will fly as long as the service remains free, but when they charge for a service (such as the number port mentioned in the article) then they should at least have an effective way to address issues and complaints about the services people have paid for (and perhaps not received)!


3 thoughts on “Link: Google Voice Customers Cry Out For Help, No One At Google Hears Them

  1. The lack of customer service is frustrating. When they took over Gizmo/Grand Central, I had a balance that they refunded to the credit card that was on file. But I had closed that credit card account, so the money went back to the bank but not to me. I tried to reach someone to get it straightened out, but couldn’t reach anyone. Luckily it was only about $20.

  2. Google does NOT support any of its so-called services. Whether it was Google Desktop Search or Google regular search or Picasa or any of them, you are almost completely on your own when you have a problem with one of their products. Facebook has now followed suit, offering virtually no way to contact FB for personalized attention to your particular problem. Unlike Microsoft, service is not a part of these 2 “innovative” tech stars.

  3. NOTICE: All comments above this one were imported from the original Michigan Telephone Blog and may or may not be relevant to the edited article above.

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