freezetab: A powerful alternative to bookmarks in the Chrome browser

Freezetab helps you save your tabs and keep them organized.


★ Tab Groups

Every time you save a bookmark the browser forces you to pick a folder to put the bookmark in. You often don’t have a folder name in mind, so all of your tabs end up in one giant unorganized folder. Freezetab doesn’t force you to create a new folder every time you save a tab. Instead it groups your tabs based on when you saved them, which keeps your tabs organized without any extra effort.

★ Websites

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could view a breakdown of all your saved tabs based on the websites the tabs are from? Freezetab allows you to accomplish this in just a single click.

★ Tab Calendar

Imagine you saved a tab on a certain day, but you don’t remember the title or name of the website. With Freezetab’s calendar you can click on a day to view a searchable list of every tab you saved that day.

★ Sharing

With Freezetab sharing tabs is incredibly easy. Just click share in any folder or tab group and a text box will appear with all your links.

★ Search

Unlike the browser’s bookmarking system, Freezetab starts searching as soon as you start typing. The search results update every time you type a character into the search box. Freezetab’s search is incredibly accurate. It searches based on the title of the website, the name of the website, and even the titles of your tab groups.

★ Save Tabs

Browsers only give you two options for saving tabs: the current tab, or every tab. Freezetab allows you to save all tabs, the current tab, everything except the current tab, everything to the right or left of the current tab, or specific tabs. And after you’ve saved your tabs, Freezetab asks if you’d like to close the saved tabs to get them out of the way.

★ Quick Save

Sometimes you just need to quickly save some tabs without all the extra hassle. Freezetab has a quick save feature that saves all your tabs, and then closes them. You can change the default action in the settings.

★ Sorting

Freezetab offers six different ways of sorting your tab groups. You can sort from A-Z, Z-A, oldest to newest, newest to oldest, least to greatest, and greatest to least. You can also search for a tab group by name using the search box.

★ Close Tabs

Browsers offer a few different options for closing tabs. You can close the entire window, the current tab, everything to the right of the current tab, and everything except the current tab. Freezetab adds two additional options: you can close everything to the left of the current tab, or specific tabs. Closing specific tabs can be really useful when you have so many tabs open that the browser doesn’t display their titles.

★ Folders

Browsers have only one way of organizing your saved tabs: dragging and dropping from one folder to another. Before you can organize tabs with folders, you need to find the tabs you’re trying to organize. Freezetab allows you to sort your tabs based on the title or name of the website, the date you saved them, and a variety of other ways. After you’ve found the tabs you’re looking for, you can drag and drop them into folders.

★ Stars

Sometimes you need to quickly mark a tab or tab group as important. Freezetab has a star feature that does exactly this.

Link: Freezetab

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