Top 5 Best Security-Centric Linux Distributions Of 2016

Staying anonymous on the Internet might not necessarily mean the same as surfing the web safely but rather keeping yourself safe from prying eyes that may otherwise take advantage of the vulnerability of your system thereby exposing you and your data for whomever might just be up for the grabbing – especially some hacker snooping around for sensitive data to hoard (particularly if you’re being targeted) and use for otherwise evil purposes that can have some serious effects on the violated individual.

However, for whatever reason you might want to remain anonymous or unidentifiable (if you may) on the net, in this article is our pick of tools that will help you achieve your purpose effectively without the risks that usually come with surfing the Internet unprotected.

Source: Top 5 Best Security-Centric Linux Distributions Of 2016 (Tecmint)

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