Steorn’s Stunning Orbo Claims: Neverending Electricity Produced at Point-of-use | Free Energy Times

Is this legitimate? I don’t know, but one reason I think it just might be is that it’s not making a totally outrageous claim, such as “you can run your entire home off of one of our devices.” No, this sounds more like a “Wright Brothers demonstration at Kitty Hawk” type of thing – right now it can only generate small amounts of current and the price is far too high to be practical, but if it works, it proves that something that most people thought impossible (free energy) might actually be possible. Give it a few more years of research and development (assuming all the people who want to work on it aren’t bought off, scared off, or killed off by the fossil fuel interests), and who knows where this could go. I’d be happy if it could just make phone, tablet, and laptop batteries a thing of the past!

If Orbo turns out to do what Steorn claims it does, the technology is simply stunning. What CEO Shaun McCarthy talks about in this video — a webinar for Steorn investors that was somehow made public — is that they have managed to make a power unit that puts out a steady electrical current indefinitely (well almost, McCarthy said that theoretically it could run for 800 years), without any kind of energy input needed.

Source: Steorn’s Stunning Orbo Claims: Neverending Electricity Produced at Point-of-use | Free Energy Times

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