Link: How to Secure Your Newly Installed Ubuntu

Without a doubt, a freshly installed Linux system is less susceptible to malware, spyware and hacking than a freshly installed Windows system. However, most Linux systems are configured with some default settings that are inherently insecure. Some Linux distros are designed to be installed with very secure defaults, but this results in systems that have a significant difficulty for new users, especially those who are not computer security professionals.

Ubuntu is arguably the most popular Linux distro today, and this is due to a large number of factors, one of which is its friendliness to new users. Many of Ubuntu’s default settings are geared towards allowing users to use their systems immediately after installation with as little disruption as possible. While this has its positives, it also results in a system that has a few weaknesses, trading them for user convenience. This article will walk you through some basic but powerful configuration changes that show you how to secure your newly installed Ubuntu from many of the common attack methods.

Full article here:
How to Secure Your Newly Installed Ubuntu (Make Tech Easier)