Link: Discourse [forum software review]

….. Although forum software often is reasonable, it doesn’t make me go, “wow”.  …..  So, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that when Jeff Atwood, cofounder of Stack Exchange and the author of the famous “Coding Horror” blog, announced he was going to make better Web-based forum software, I personally reacted with a shrug. After all, I’ve used and seen forum software for years. How much different or better could it be?

Well, I can report to you that even though Discourse, Atwood’s open-source forum software, is still somewhat unfinished, it already is head and shoulders above other forums I have used, as both a user and an administrator. The fact that it is open source, based on Ruby, PostgreSQL and Ember.js is icing on the cake, making what already was excellent software even better. …..

Full article here:
Discourse (Linux Journal)

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