Link: How to Fix a Mangled Partition Table on Linux

Figure 1: Oh dear, a boot failure.

Well there I was, rebuilding a router and having a good time when I accidentally damaged the partition table on my main Linux installation, which is a GUID partition table, or GPT. Figure 1 (above) shows the cheery message that greeted me at boot.

How did this happen? I was installing Voyage Linux on a compact flash card, and while I was messing around with GParted and other filesystem tools I accidentally ran some commands on/dev/sdb, my main hard disk, instead of /dev/sdc, the compact flash card. Like, oops. I don’t know exactly which operations gummed up /dev/sdb, which would be good to know. But I don’t, so let us carry on.

Full article here:
How to Fix a Mangled Partition Table on Linux (

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