Link: How to Find if a Windows Process Is Virus or Legitimate

In case you don’t know, Windows runs a lot of processes in the background, without you knowing. To verify that, simply launch the Windows Task Manager (by right clicking on the taskbar and select “Task Manager” from the list or by pressing “Ctrl + Alt + Del” and selecting Task Manager). Once you are in the Task Manager, navigate to Details tab and you will see a whole bunch of processes which are related to a whole bunch of programs (some of which autostart by itself) running in your Windows machine.

Of course, most of the processes’ names don’t make any sense because of their cryptic naming conventions (igfxpers.exe, etc) and there is no telling if that specific process or processes are legitimate or a virus running in the background to sabotage your PC. That said, you don’t have to be a Windows expert to verify if a running Windows process is legitimate or a virus. All you have to do is to use a free software which can give you all the details you will need.

Full article here:
How to Find if a Windows Process Is Virus or Legitimate (Make Tech Easier)