Link: 8 Best Command Line Tools to Monitor Linux Performance

Technical administrators do have a really hectic job monitoring every systems and networks daily to find out any functional issues and do troubleshooting. It is also the same in case of monitoring and debugging Linux system performance issues. Even though the Linux systems are less vulnerable to getting affected with performance issues, it is very vital to monitor them closely throughout the time to do the troubleshooting at the very first point itself on finding out any performance issues. Even the highly experienced Linux administrators find it a difficult task to do close performance monitoring throughout the time.

Linux systems are used in many governmental organizations and in defense sector widely due to the security features as well as in the corporate sector due to their functionality. In such environments, it is very important to assure close monitoring for performance and even the smallest vulnerability may end up in grave troubles. In order to curb this issue and keep the Linux systems up and running throughout the time, the most easy and practical solution is the usage of command line monitoring tools. These tools are very handy to the Linux and Unix system administrators in order to monitor and identify the actual reasons for performance-related issues in Linux systems. These are tools available for all Linux and Unix flavors and further in this article we will discuss about the top 8 command line tools, which are in popular use. By understanding the functionality of each tools, you can pick the one best suiting to your customized needs.

Full article here:
8 Best Command Line Tools to Monitor Linux Performance (TechieApps)