Link: Remotely Working Together on a Terminal Session in Linux

I often get a chance to work from home, and this has given me opportunities to look for ways to share sessions with my colleagues. Windows XP used to have the excellent NetMeeting tool, but I recently switched to Ubuntu and haven’t yet found an equivalent.

Yes, I’ve heard of VNC and used it a lot too, but I wasn’t happy with its remote desktop sharing performance. Ekiga is interoperable with NetMeeting calls, but doesn’t support screen sharing. Even Skype’s screen sharing does not seem to support remote screen controlling.

However, Linux’s power is at the command line, and this is true even in the case of remote sharing. So here comes screen to the rescue – this magical command allows you to flawlessly resume lost sessions and share them with multiple users at the same time.

Full article here:
Remotely Working Together on a Terminal Session in Linux (TechNonStop)

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