Nowdays computers are connected between each other. From the small area such as your home Local Area Network (LAN) until the the biggest one which we call – Internet. When you are managing a network computer, you are managing one of the most critical component. Since most of developed application is web based application, the network between critical.
There is why we need a network monitoring tool. One of the best network monitoring tool is called ntop. From Wikipedia “ntop is a network probe that shows network usage in a way similar to what top does for processes. In interactive mode, it displays the networkstatus on the user’s terminal. In Web mode, it acts as a web server, creating a HTML dump of the network status. It supports a NetFlow/sFlowemitter/collector, a HTTP-based client interface for creating ntop-centric monitoring applications, and RRD for persistently storing traffic statistics”
Now after 15 years, you will find ntopng – the next generation ntop.
What is ntopng
Ntopng is a high-speed web-based traffic analysis and flow collection. Ntopng is based from ntop. It’s run on every Unix platform, MacOS X and Windows.
Full article here:
Linux ntopng – Network Monitoring Tool Installation (Screenshots) (LinOxide)
Note that according to the ntopng download page, in addition to Linux, ntopng “should virtually compile on any Unix/Win32 platform.” However, we don’t know of any specific instructions for those platforms at this time.