Link: PowerPi: Raspberry Pi home control

PowerPi: Raspberry PI House control

PowerPi is a tool for the convenient control of radio controlled outlets and GPIO’s with the raspberry PI. Once installed on the raspberry PI, a cheap and efficient home automation can be operated via the home network with any PC and Smartphone. PowerPi auf dem iPhone


  • Control any number of radio outlets
  • Control of raspberry PI GPIO’s
  • Alarm clock function: Trigger-based events
  • Accessible through the entire House network
  • Optimized for smartphones and Tablets

The above is a translation from a portion of the original German language article. You can read the English-language translation here, courtesy of Microsoft Translator. Google’s translation of this page isn’t quite as good as Microsoft’s (“PowerPi is a tool for convenient control of spark plugs and GPIO’s”… really? Spark plugs?!?)

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