Article series: CommandLineFu, BASH, AWK, Perl, SED One-Liners Explained

We must confess that we are not as fond of the Linux command line as some Linux users — we’ll take a good GUI, and a mouse over a keyboard any time we can. But for those that love working at the Linux command prompt (and that probably don’t make nearly as many typos as we do), we thought you might appreciate this series from the catonmat blog:

Or perhaps you’d prefer this series:

Or maybe you’d like to see one-liners covering Awk, Sed, or Perl:



Author Peteris Krumins used these articles as the starting points for his e-books. In addition to the e-books listed there, it appears that he has authored this paperback edition that can be purchased from Amazon (this is an affiliate link, so if you buy it from here we’ll get a small commission):

Perl One-Liners: 130 Programs That Get Things Done