Cybersecurity researchers crack the codes of FortuneCrypt, Yatron, WannaCryFake and Avest ransomware, allowing victims to get their files back without paying cyber criminals.
Beginners Guide to Cron Jobs and Crontab
In this guide, we will be diving into what is a cron job and crontab. We example what the cron is why you would want to use it. There is also a calculator you can use to generate a crontab entry.
Source: Beginners Guide to Cron Jobs and Crontab – Pi My Life Up
How to Check Open Ports in Linux
This tutorial shows how to check open ports on your Linux system. This very helpful for troubleshooting to see if the port is use or not.
Source: How to Check Open Ports in Linux (LinOxide)
Excellent Utilities: peco – interactive filtering tool
peco (pronounced peh-koh) is a CLI utility that filters text interactively. The tool is written in the Go programming language.
Source: Excellent Utilities: peco – interactive filtering tool – LinuxLinks
Recover deleted files on Linux (Beginners Tutorial)
In this tutorial, you will learn how to recover deleted files on Linux using different programs such as testdisk, extundelete and on different file systems.
Source: Recover deleted files on Linux (Beginners Tutorial) – Like Geeks
Similar article covering the use of testdisk only: How To Recover Deleted Files In Linux [Beginner’s Guide] – It’s FOSS
Seven God-Like Bash History Shortcuts You Will Actually Use
Most guides to bash history shortcuts exhaustively list all of the shortcuts available to you.
The problem I always had with that was that I would use them once, and then glaze over as I tried out all the possibilities. Then I’d move onto my working day and completely forget them, retaining only the well-known !! trick I learned when I first started using bash.
So most never got committed to memory.
Here I outline the shortcuts I actually use every day.
Source: Seven God-Like Bash History Shortcuts You Will Actually Use – zwischenzugs
SSLH – Share A Same Port For HTTPS And SSH
Some Internet service providers and corporate companies might have blocked most of the ports, and allowed only a few specific ports such as port 80 and 443 to tighten their security. In such cases, we have no choice, but use a same port for multiple programs, say the HTTPS Port 443, which is rarely blocked. Here is where SSLH, a SSL/SSH multiplexer, comes in help. It will listen for incoming connections on a port 443. To put this more simply, SSLH allows us to run several programs/services on port 443 on a Linux system. So, you can use both SSL and SSH using a same port at the same time. If you ever been in a situation where most ports are blocked by the firewalls, you can use SSLH to access your remote server. This brief tutorial describes how to share a same port for https, ssh using SSLH in Unix-like operating systems.
Source: SSLH – Share A Same Port For HTTPS And SSH – OSTechNix
Related: Install sslh on Mac OSX
How to Use Curl Command with Examples
In this tutorial, we learn how to use curl command in linux. Expained with examples to download single and mutiple files from remote server.
Source: How to Use Curl Command with Examples (Linoxide)
How To Disable SSH reverse DNS Lookups in Linux/Unix system
By default, ssh server performs a reverse DNS lookup for authentication requests. This can be so annoying as you wait ten’s of seconds for the lookup to finish. You may experience a delay before receiving a password prompt while accessing a remote system via ssh.
This guide will show you how to disable SSH reverse DNS lookups in a Linux/Unix system. The method discussed here works for all Linux and Unix based operating systems running OpenSSH Server.
Source: How To Disable SSH reverse DNS Lookups in Linux/Unix system – Computing for Geeks
How to use rsync command on Linux/Unix with examples
From the man page of rsync, Rsync is a fast and extraordinarily versatile file copying tool. It can copy locally, to/from another host over any remote shell, or to/from a remote rsync daemon. It offers a large number of options that control every aspect of its behavior and permit very flexible specification of the set of files to be copied. It is famous for its delta-transfer algorithm, which reduces the amount of data sent over the network by sending only the differences between the source files and the existing files in the destination.
Source: How to use rsync command on Linux/Unix with examples – Computing for Geeks
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