Link: SSH Kung Fu

OpenSSH is an incredible tool. Though primarily relied upon as a secure alternative to plaintext remote tools like telnet or rsh, OpenSSH (hereafter referred to as plain old ssh) has become a swiss army knife of functionality for far more than just remote logins.

I rely on ssh every day for multiple purposes and feel the need to share the love for this excellent tool. What follows is a list for some of my use cases that leverage the power of ssh.

Full article here:
SSH Kung fu (Tyblog)
Generate Elliptic Curve (ECDSA) SSH Keys (

Link: How to use sshfs (Secure Shell FileSystem) to Mount Remote Directories Locally

Sshfs is a file system for operating systems that have FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) implementation. Examples of such operating systems are Linux, Mac OS X and FreeBSD but not limited to these. SSHFS is a great tool as it enable a user to mount remote directories on the local machine securely. The SSH protocol encrypts the connection between the local and remote machine. This makes it difficult for a third party to see the files being exchanged between the two machines on the network.

Full article here:
How to use sshfs (Secure Shell FileSystem) to Mount Remote Directories Locally (LinOxide)
SSHFS (Secure SHell FileSystem) for Mounting Remote Linux Filesystems (Tecmint)
Mount Remote Filesystems Over SSH Using SSHFS (Unixmen)
SSHFS in Linux (Linux/Vmware Solutions)
Linux Terminal: sshfs, Remote directory over ssh (Linuxaria)

Link: Linux Terminal: sshfs, Remote directory over ssh

Often one wants a shared access to files across machines. Traditionally one uses the network file system (nfs). The network file server works as follows: There is an nfs server that exports some directories in its filesystem hiearchy to various nfs clients that mount these directory over the network into their file system hierarchy. As a result, each of the clients shares the directories exported by the nfs server.

However a lot of times you just have to mount a directory from a server to your local computer and in these cases NFS it’s not so useful, sshfs it’s much better

Sshfs is a filesystem client based on the SSH File Transfer Protocol. Since most SSH servers already support this protocol it is very easy to set up: i.e. on the server side there’s nothing to do.  On the client side mounting the filesystem is as easy as logging into the server with ssh.

Full article here:
Linux Terminal: sshfs, Remote directory over ssh (Linuxaria)