The SysAdminMan blog has posted a new article related to FreePBX security, that I strongly urge you to read if you are running FreePBX or any FreePBX-based distribution:
FreePBX security advisory – SIP extension types
The basic issue is that by default, FreePBX sets extensions to type=friend rather than the more secure type=peer. The article says it’s for historical reasons but I suspect there have been other reasons at play here (pure stubbornness, perhaps?). But with the growing body of evidence that type=friend is bad, and because FreePBX now has an Advanced Settings module that allows you to to change certain defaults (though not yet this one), I have put in a Feature Request asking that system administrators be allowed to select a default type for extensions. We’ll see if it goes anywhere (and it might help if anyone who supports this idea would add a comment to that ticket), but given that in the past they’ve been reluctant to even entertain the idea of changing the default, I fear that they may once again refuse to even consider it. And for those of us who want to keep our systems as secure as reasonably possible, that would be a real shame.
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