SCP Linux – Securely Copy Files Using SCP examples

This post includes SCP examples. SCP or secure copy allows secure transferring of files between a local host and a remote host or between two remote hosts. It uses the same authentication and security as the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol from which it is based. SCP is loved for it’s simplicity, security and pre-installed availability.

Source: SCP Linux – Securely Copy Files Using SCP examples (Hayden James)

Link: 10 SCP Commands to Transfer Files/Folders in Linux

Linux administrator should be familiar with CLI environment. Since GUI mode in Linux servers is not a common to be installed. SSH may the most popular protocol to enable Linux administrator to manage the servers via remote in secure way. Built-in with SSH command there is SCP command. SCP is used to copy file(s) between servers in secure way.

Full article here:
10 SCP Commands to Transfer Files/Folders in Linux (Tecmint)

Link: 8 Cool Ways To Use SCP

The SCP protocol is a network protocol, based on the BSD RCP protocol, which supports file transfers between hosts on a network. SCP uses Secure Shell (SSH) for data transfer and utilizes the same mechanisms for authentication, thereby ensuring the authenticity and confidentiality of the data in transit. A client can send (upload) files to a server, optionally including their basic attributes (permissions, timestamps). Clients can also request files or directories from a server (download). SCP runs over TCP port 22 by default. Like RCP, there is no RFC that defines the specifics of the protocol.

SCP is an awesome tool. Learn it, Love it, Use it….

Full article here:
8 Cool Ways To Use SCP (UrFix’s Blog)

Link: How To : Secure Shell (SSH) Password-less Login using SSH-Keygen

Secure Shell, as the name tells, is the open source and most secure and hence, most used protocol that is used to execute command remotely on a Linux host or to transfer files from one Linux host to another within a network using Secure Copy (SCP). Find more details about Secure Shell in our article- Secure Shell in Linux.

In this article, we will see how to setup password-less login between two Linux system to transfer files between them with the same level of security and trust.

Full article here:
How To : Secure Shell (SSH) Password-less Login using SSH-Keygen (Your Own Linux..!)

Link: Transfer Files Securely Using SCP in Linux

The most common way to get terminal access to a remote Linux machine is to use Secure Shell (SSH). To work, the Linux server needs to be running a SSH server (OpenSSH) and at the other end you need a SSH client, something like PuTTy in Windows or the ssh command line tool on Linux or other Unix-like operating systems such as FreeBSD.

The attraction of SSH is that the connection between the two machines is encrypted. This means that you can access the server from anywhere in the world safe in the knowledge that the connection is secure. However the real power of SSH is that the secure connection it provides can be used for more than just terminal access. Among its uses is the ability to copy files to and from a remote server.

Full article here:
Transfer Files Securely Using SCP in Linux (Make Tech Easier)
12 scp command examples to transfer files on Linux (BinaryTides)