Easy Linux backup software with Time Machine like functionality | Nuxified.org

It’s easy to be impressed by Apple’s Time Machine backup feature. It works in the background, is seamlessly integrated, and when you need to get to restore something whoa.. you’re all of a sudden in space, travelling back in time, bringing something back to the present.

There are two key things to this system. First it’s an incremental backup system which allows you to restore from multiple past versions of files that are backed up (the “time travelling”). Second, it’s very easy to use and provides a very impressive experience.

So do we have anything like that in the Linux world? Well, for the most part we do, and here’s what we’ve got.

Source: Easy Linux backup software with Time Machine like functionality | Nuxified.org
Related link: Cronopete – An Apple’s Time Machine Clone For Linux – OSTechNix

NOTE: The link to Rastersoft’s Cronopete seems to have gone missing from the article. Here it is.

Link: Duplicati – An Open Source Powerful Free Backup Tool

Duplicati is an open source free backup program that creates backups with the ability to store them securely encrypted, incremental and compressed on cloud storage services and remote file servers. At the moment it has the ability to work with Amazon S3, Windows SkyDrive, Google Drive, Tahoe LAFS, Rackspace Cloud or it can use your own SSH, WebDAV, SFTP or FTP file server.

Full article here:
Duplicati – An Open Source Powerful Free Backup Tool (LinOxide)