Link: Google Code Will Shut Down In January 2016 Because Almost No One Uses It Anymore

Google has announced the end of another service, and this one is a shocker—Google Code is going away on January 25th, 2016. That gives you about ten months to get your code off of Google’s servers before it’s gone forever. Why is Google breaking your heart like this? According to the company, Google Code simply isn’t very popular anymore.

Full article here:
Google Code Will Shut Down In January 2016 Because Almost No One Uses It Anymore (Android Police)
Official announcement:
Bidding farewell to Google Code (Google Open Source Blog)

How To Fix “VLC does not support the audio or video format “hevc””

VLC media player is a free and open source media player, encoder, and streamer made the volunteers of VideoLAN community.


No suitable decoder module

VLC does not support the audio or video format “hevc.

Unfortunately there is no way for you to fix this.

The above error message is a result of trying to play a video file in VLC. The error message doesn’t give a clue either.

Full article here:
How To Fix “VLC does not support the audio or video format “hevc”” (Unixmen)

Link: How to Check the True Bitrate of Your Audio Files

Files are generally assessed on their bitrate. A 320kbps MP3 is obviously better than a 128kbps version, right? Ordinarily, yes. But it’s not hard to bluff the bitrate and mislead listeners through “upscaling.” In fact, upscaling can sometimes damage audio quality.

Audio encoding is a complex process, and Stack Overflow user “vaxquis” provides an intricate explanation of how it works. If you find the subject interesting, his explanation is one of the clearest available.

How do you sort the wheat from the chaff?

Full article here:
How to Check the True Bitrate of Your Audio Files (Make Tech Easier)

Link: How to Block Ads on Adblock Plus Paid Whitelist

Adblock Plus is a widely used free browser add-on for controlling the ads shown on web pages. For some time the add-on has employed a whitelist that allows certain kinds of ads to pass through and to be displayed. Google has previously been reported to be paying to get its ads displayed. Now, it has just been reported that a number of large companies such as Microsoft are also paying to be whitelisted. However, the paid whitelist can be circumvented. Here is how to configure three common browsers to block ads that are whitelisted by Adblock Plus.

Full article here:
How to Block Ads on Adblock Plus Paid Whitelist (Gizmo’s Freeware)

Link: 4 Useful Cron Alternatives For Linux

For those who are familiar with the Unix system, you will also be familiar with the cron application that allows you to schedule and automate tasks to run on their own. We even have tutorials that show you how to get started with cron and crontabs. However, cron is not perfect, as it requires your system to be running 24 hours a day. If you have a habit of turning off your computer at night, and a cron job is scheduled in the sleeping hours, the task won’t be executed. Luckily, there are several cron alternatives that can do a better job than cron. Let’s check them out.

Full article here:
4 Useful Cron Alternatives For Linux (Make Tech Easier)

Link: How To Install Openfire On CentOS 7

Openfire is a real time collaboration (RTC) server licensed under the Open Source Apache License. It is also known as Jabber. It uses the only widely adopted open protocol for instant messaging, XMPP. The full name of XMPP is Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol. It is a real-time communication protocol (which includes chat) based on XML. Installation and the management of Openfire is pretty simple.

It should be noted that with Openfire, no chat is possible yet. A client is needed: Openfire cannot be used alone, just like web servers need a browser.

In this tutorial we will see, how to install Openfire in a clean minimal installation of CentOS 7.

Full article here:
How To Install Openfire On CentOS 7 (Unixmen)

Link: Creating and Setting Up Your Own Forum Using phpBB

phpBB is one of the most widely used free discussion board scripts. This free and very powerful application is easy to install and administer. It allows flexibility in terms of design and organization.

phpBB is a free flat-forum bulletin board software solution that can be used to stay in touch with a group of people or can power your entire website. You can create a very unique forum in minutes using the extensive database of user-created modifications and styles database containing hundreds of style and image packages.

phpBB is open source, licensed under Version 2 of the GNU GPL. True to its name, phpBB was written in the PHP programming language. phpBB 3.1 has the added benefit of being built upon the Symfony framework.

The objective of this article is to provide you with an understanding of installation and configuration of phpBB.

Full article here:
Creating and Setting Up Your Own Forum Using phpBB (Unixmen)

Link: How To Add Launchpad PPAs In Debian Via `add-apt-repository` Command

“add-apt-repository” is an Ubuntu-specific script to add or remove repositories which, among others, automatically imports the public GPG key. For more information, see its man page.

You can use “add-apt-repository” in Debian to add Launchpad PPAs however, there are a few things that you should know. Read on to find out how to use “add-apt-repository” in Debian.

Full article here:
How To Add Launchpad PPAs In Debian Via `add-apt-repository` Command (Web Upd8)

Link: Spider a Website with Wget – 20 Practical Examples

How do I download an entire website for offline viewing? How do I save all the MP3s from a website to a folder on my computer? How do I download files that are behind a login page? How do I build a mini-version of Google?

Wget is a free command line program – available for Mac, Windows and Linux (included) – that can help you accomplish all this and more. What makes it different from most download managers is that wget can follow the HTML links on a web page and recursively download the files.

Full article here:
Spider a Website with Wget – 20 Practical Examples (Digital Inspiration)

Link: How to Setup a Complete Mail Server (Postfix) using ‘SquirrelMail’ (Webmail) on Ubuntu/Debian

Creating a mail server on Linux powered machines can be one of the most essential things that every system administrator needs to do while configuring his servers for the first time, if you don’t know what it means; it’s simple, if you have a website like “”, you can create an email account like “” to use it to send / receive emails easily instead of using services like Hotmail, Gmil, Yahoo Mail.. etc.

In this article, we’ll learn how to do so by installing the Postfix with “SquirrelMail” webmail application and its dependences on Debian/Ubuntu machines.

Full article here:
How to Setup a Complete Mail Server (Postfix) using ‘SquirrelMail’ (Webmail) on Ubuntu/Debian (Tecmint)