Reducing Raspberry Pi 5’s power consumption by 140x

Sorry to clickbait with that title… but it’s actually true. I can help you improve power use by 140x—for power off power consumption, at least.

By default, the Raspberry Pi 5 (like the Pi 4 before it) leaves the SoC powered up (just in a shutdown state) when you shut down the Pi.

Because of this, a Pi 5 will still sit there consuming 1.2-1.6W when completely shut down, even without anything plugged in except power.

Source: Reducing Raspberry Pi 5’s power consumption by 140x | Jeff Geerling

GPS Raspberry Pi NTP Server

This post details how to create a stratum-1 NTP Server using a Raspberry Pi utilizing GPS and PPS, and get time within 100 nanoseconds of real time, directly from the atomic clocks located in the GPS satellites above your head. The best part about this guide is that this will work with no internet. After initial setup, you could disconnect it from the internet and they would work. All of the other guides out there that I have found do not include the configuration necessary for this.

Source: GPS Raspberry Pi NTP Server (

Whishper – Open-source, local-first audio transcription and subtitling suite with a simple web UI.

Whishper Open-source, local-first audio transcription and subtitling suite with a simple web UI.


Open Source – Whishper is 100% Open Source software.

Self-Hosted – Thanks to open-source technologies, Whishper can run 100% offline. Your data never leaves your computer.

Transcribe – Transcribe any media to text. Thanks to faster-whisper, transcriptions are lightning fast.

Translate – Whishper allows you to translate your transcriptions to and from more than 60 languages thanks to Argos Translate and LibreTranslate.

Subtitles – Download the transcriptions in many formats (json, txt, vtt, srt).

Subtitle editor – Easily edit your subtitles right in the Web-UI.

Whishper is a web application that runs inside a Docker container. This means that you can install it on any machine that supports Docker.

Source: Whishper